Jan 08, 2008 18:07
Yesterday, we had a teacher workday that went well. I got a lot of things done, but my hip had been bothering me off and on. That happens to be the spot that I had just removed my insulin pump's site from. I get home and the spot is red, swollen, and warm to the touch. It's infected, so I had to call for a sub so that I could go into the Doctor's today. They've got me on 4 pills a day for seven days and even drew an outline around it telling me if the redness spread past those lines to come back in.
I checked in on my class this afternoon because I hadn't had the lesson plans actually written out for today. I was working on them last night. I had all the materials there, but not exactly what I was doing with them. My aide is wonderful and was able to take charge of the class. The sub was new to our class and seemed to be really nice from what my team leader said. Maybe we'll have someone else to add to our very short list of subs who are willing to work in our classroom. It's hard to get special education subs around here.
I'm ready to be back as today was really boring. I was home all day with the exception of my trip to the dr. It's one of those things were you're not supposed to do anything, but don't feel like you're dying so you want to do something. I really wanted to make it only a half day, but the dr told me not to go in until tomorrow so that the swelling would have a chance to go down some.