Full House

Mar 02, 2007 11:39

Josh moved in last weekend. He had to leave his apartment situation and we were most available, i think. We're keeping him in Shawn's room for now at least, since we don't know how long he's staying. I thought there might be conflicts between him and Gaelen, but miraculously, that hasn't happened, nor is it going to. Somehow they're getting along really well. One might almost think they're having fun.

Anyway, the best part about Josh moving in is he really helps with cleaning especially in the kitchen, which is always the worst part. Actually, it's easier on him than it was in his apartment since we have a dishwasher. But I don't care because i get help! The only bad news is Josh has a lot of stuff which has not been put away so the house looks like a disaster area again. And after I cleaned everything to make room for him too. Guess I didn't make enogh room. *sigh* This might take the rest of the semester.

In other news, I might be going to Rhode Island next month for a philosophy conference. I have two papers that Privetello thinks are really good, I just have to pick one to expand on. I'm really excited!
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