(no subject)

Dec 05, 2004 16:53

Last entry of the day! It's my only day off ok. And I've had a miserable week.

Anyway I took this personality test today that really amazed me. It was so dead on with both me and my friend Dana. I read a book a while ago that talked about the Mbti personality types. But it didn't have a test, you just had to rate yourself. It was stupid because it was like do you like perceiving things or seeing things. Huh?

The Mbti Personality types are credible too. It's based on Gestalt psychology and is given by many professionals to help people chose careers.

I'm an INFP. Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving. And note to everyone introverted doesn't mean shy or unmotivated like people think. And extraverted doesn't mean brash. Introverted means you prefer your inner world. Extraverted means you prefer the outer world.

But Here's a test that can help you figure out yours.
The Jung-Myers-Briggs Test: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm
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