
Mar 16, 2010 21:20

Okay, I could have sworn before the stupid LJ update (I mean, really, "My Stuff"?! I'm not 12!) I could access my profile page from the bar at the top. Except now I can't. I'm on my profile page (well, I was, now I'm updating) and yet none of the drop down links GO to my profile page. I can only access it from my journal or friends pages because I have a link I built into the scheme there.

Plus I'm not imagining that they've about quadrupled the size of the Vgifts, right? Fucking annoying! And my weather pixie is GONE!

Also there's this LJ Extras link that actually isn't a link.

Stupid Russian mob! Stop fucking around with what's not broke and fix the crap that is.

And it's going to snow on Saturday. One day before Spring (and one day after the 60s and two days before the 60s return) and that just pisses me off.

I'm going to go watch Lost and read the latest SPN novel (set in Season 5, wow they skipped like two seasons!).


ETA Okay, the "My Stuff" thing is actually My Profile. *rolls eyes*

And how much did they spend on this crap?

lj being stupid

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