fluffiest apocalypse ever fic is up!

Mar 16, 2010 16:29

Title: apokálypsis (revelation)
Author: Lara/Laure
Fandom: SPN/BtVS/AtS
Rating: PG 14
Genre: Gen Fic (pretty much a first for me)
Pairings: Spike/Buffy, Angel/Lindsey, Dawn/Connor, Lilah/Wesley, pre-Castiel/Dean, hints of Robin/Faith, Willow/Kennedy, and pre-Gabriel/Sam but really this is Gen with existing or coming into being relationships
Timeline: Set after Supernatural 5.10. Post-Chosen and NFA for Buffy and Angel, but Angel Season 5 went differently in that, while the battle still happened and those who died died, after the battle, Angel remained in charge of Wolfram & Hart's L.A. branch. Also, I'm ignoring the comics.
Warnings: Language, hints of sex and slash, a bit of violence
Disclaimer: Nothing about BtVS or AtS belongs to me; it's all Joss. Ditto with Supernatural, as it's all Kripke's. I'm just playing with his characters and making them my own.
Word Count: 29094 words
Summary: There's an apocalypse and the Slayers are being kept out of it. When they find out that Lucifer's risen and a bunch of angels want the world to end so they can have paradise, Buffy and friends don't take it so well. They team up with the only people in the world who seem to be fighting for humanity--the Winchesters, Bobby and Castiel--and drag in Angel and his gang. Mankind isn't going to go out with a bang or a whimper if they have anything to say about it.
A/N: This is the longest one-shot I've written since my very first posted fic, twelve years ago. It's also the most Gen fic I've ever written. I dunno. I think I'm getting old. 29094 words of plot and humor and the fluffiest apocalypse ever with barely a hint of smut. I'm retiring my Smut Goddess crown. *sigh*

link to the fic on Dreamwidth

Fanart by chosenfire28

Fanmix by hateable

btvs/ats fanfic, fanfic, supernatural

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