stupid groundhog

Feb 02, 2010 09:18

They've upped the Oscar movie number to ten and I've still only managed to see one.

I'm surprised (and not so surprised) that Avatar made the cut. From people who've seen it it's either the most gorgeous, spiritual movie ever or derivative and too stuffed with CGI. Due to the crappy weather I still haven't seen it.

Half the movies I'd never heard of.

Mom will be happy that Colin Firth got nominated--again for something I've never heard of. A town of 75000, we have twelve screens (and two art theater screens) and a university. Transformers was here for weeks (as an example). I'm not sure half the nominated movies ever got here. IE--give the college students action and horror and scifi over drama. Of course I prefer the former so I don't complain. *g*

I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to watch the Olympics. It looks like the other networks will be airing new shows which limits my use of the main tv which is attached to the DVR. I may have to tape things on actual VCRs. My first thought was to plug in the upstairs tv and watch every evening's events up there with my laptop and write, but I want to record the stuff during the day--which means on the DVR. I would then record the evening events as well and when I was done watching the recorded daytime events I'd switch over but then there's all that regular programming I watch (only one hour of which is on NBC).


Maybe I should rent a second DVR for like a month. I can't remember how I did this four years ago (summer Olympics don't cause this problem, of course, because there's hardly anything new yet to watch on tv).

Yes, this is stressing me out. *g*

I really need to work more on my apocafic. It's only about half done. Boss will be out of the office in the morning to work on taxes so maybe I can get some done then.

Which means I probably should get work done now.

Oh and the groundhog saw his shadow. Yay. (that was sarcasm) It should have come here. Overcast again.

movie babble, olympics

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