
Jan 30, 2010 21:37


Nailbiter in Manhattan! If Sherron hadn't been able to come back in we would have lost that game, I firmly believe it. Do NOT give the ball to Tyshon when it's on the line. Great steal, and then to lose it right away. We would have won in regulation if he'd held onto the damn ball or gotten it to Sherron immediately.


Also, geez, Texas!

I had a lazy day. Napped after breakfast, then watched basketball, read fic, and wrote all afternoon. I'm now over 12000 words and I've figured out the next step--getting the gang from Bobby's to Wolfram & Hart with a herd of angry angels on their tails.

Also, Cas/Dean have crept in, thanks to Gabriel being observant.

I highly doubt it'll be done by Friday but the rules state you just have to be over 10000 words and have it clear enough what's happening so an artist or mixer can do something. Of course last Big Bang I never did get my art, so, really, I just want to get the fic done and have people enjoy it. *shrug*

I'm still baffled by the genness of this story. I don't write Gen long shit! Remember when I used to write all smut? *sigh* Now I hardly even read it--I find myself skipping over the smut to get to dialogue and other stuff. Maybe I'm just old.

So, it's my elderly determination that white chocolate cocoa is almost as godly a drink as ice wine.

Last night I managed to get the church W2s done and the one 1099 I have a SSN for. I really don't think it's my responsibility to get SSNs from our babysitters. I didn't hire them! Anyway, Quickbooks (accounting program) does all the lovely figuring but was so not helpful on how to actually print. Since I had 25 sets of forms and only four employees I could risk it by guessing and I finally just guessed that you print one set of all four of the same form then on to the next form etc. That is after I figured out to actually get the printing process started. QB is SO not a user friendly program. I know how to do certain things only through lots of trial and error and instruction from our accountant. I could probably take this over next year for work, like I've now taken back the quarterly tax forms (since QBs does them so easily and, unlike the W2s and 1099s you don't have to have special forms) but I think I'll let Denise continue to do those and our annual report and all that crap. Because I'd inevitably forget to order the free forms from the government in time and have to pay Office Deport $40.00 for them.

Hey, I'm all up for being fired from the church board if they complain I wasted money. I haven't done W2s at work in so long that I didn't even think about needing to do them for church. *g*

Oh, also it fucking snowed last night. Only about a half inch, but it happened while I was at church and was leaving around 7:30 and I hate driving on snow and at night and put those together and I went 40 in 55 and started slowing to stops way back. This Winter can be over now, please! I have no idea if any of it melted today because I never went out and the most I looked out was through the kitchen window as I did dishes.

Okay, back to ficcing! And wondering if anyone is going to upload Spartacus. I mean, really, this is like made for the internet crowd, right?! Lucy Lawless, nudity, sex, barbaric gladitorial action?

Okay, now back to ficcing.

bigbang, church, stupid weather, basketball, writing

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