saturday, saturday (etc)

Oct 17, 2009 21:54

Today was baking day. Before she left town mom gave me a handful of basil from her indoor growing thingie (so it wouldn't hit the light and burn) and I'd already planned my menus sans basil but I'd just gotten a recipe for purple basil parmesan biscuits. Basil is basil and I had the other ingredients, so I decided to give it a try. I was making an Italian tomato soup for lunch today and having spaghetti on Monday night, with which I usually have a small roll, so I figured I'd try these.

I've never made biscuits from scratch and naturally I don't own a biscuit cutter. I ended up with kind of half cut/half drop biscuits but they're YUMMY even without butter!

So was the soup. Incredibly simple and fast using marinara sauce instead of tomatoes and very hearty with pasta, carrots and cannolini beans.

I also made my reduced fat version of peanut butter cookies. Still high in points--three a piece--but then there's a whole cup of PB for twelve cookies, and even reduced fat is only 25% less fat than normal. Still, although they were not quite as good as the real ones, they're worth the points. The splenda worked well in replace of the sugar and I baked them about three minutes less (as the splenda box directed).

I'm so loving the cooking and baking! I didn't realize how much I missed it on the previous diet. And I'm losing weight quite obviously (naturally first in my wrists and boobs but also in my stomach as my very tight slips are now looser) and I'm back to walking thirty minutes at two MPH on the treadmill. Since I had to go out to my parents' the last two nights to check on whether or not dad's stupid mail order bacon had arrived (which it hadn't) I walked both nights and I'm starting to feel it in the back of my thighs, which is good.

Just watched Oklahoma lose and am currently watching Nebraska lose. I hope this isn't a trend today with Big 8 teams playing Southwest Conf. teams (OU v. Texas and Neb. v. Tex. Tech) though we play Colorado, former Big 8 team. We're on tv at 6:00 and then MU v. OSU is on at 8:15. Good Big 12 football day.

Now if I could just write something other than this (which will be posted late tonight as I still have no wireless and my laptop is currently on the couch well away from the modem).

I also need to practice the choir piece from tomorrow. I may be the only tenor and I don't know it. I keep wanting to sing the alto part.

Talked to mom today and found out we can get free tickets to a Cirque show if we sit in the light booth! (Dad has a colleague who has a daughter who works for Cirque in Vegas) So we're going somewhere really fancy for our dinner. Also, dad got a very well paying assignment to write a thirty page article so they're going with an LED tv instead of the typical LCD. My brother has a 50 inch LED in his new media room and apparently dad is addicted to watching sports on it. I'm sure they'll be getting it before KU basketball starts. This means dad will be watching sports upstairs though so they'll probably end up with two so that they have one in the basement tv room and mom can spend her Saturdays watching sappy English movies and comedies on dvd upstairs.

I'm still enjoying SGU. I'm not quite sure why we have cliffhangers every ep, but it's an interesting show. Also, Fringe is very good this season. I'm behind a couple eps on Smallville, haven't watched any of Dollhouse, and have a handful of shows from this past week to watch but I just watched all eight eps of Top Chef. Also really liking Flash Forward.

Also, SPN rocked, as usual. Cas was...perfection. :) Thankfully only one week off before it and Vampire Diaries are back. I'm really loving the darkness on VD (okay, that's just wrong lolol). Really didn't expect what happened this past week to happen to any of the main characters!

Where comics are concerned, I haven't read much of the past few weeks but I did read Red Robin and I still love Tim to pieces (and Tam is cool, too) but the best one of the past week was Adventure. Not only was the art gorgeous--most beautiful Tim I've seen anyone draw--but OMG so wonderful. The best reunion we could get--a lot of sorrow and angst and Tim being crazy and Kon being supportive and what I've missed since the early days of TT. And the tear....*happy sigh*

The sun finally came out fully today. This last week has been ridiculous. Rainy, bitterly cold (I mean, really 42 as a high before the middle of October?!) and yesterday's sun was that weak wintery sun way too many months early. It's supposed to warm up over the next few days back into the low 60s, thankfully. I'm almost missing that time in June when my AC wasn't working and it was 90 in my house. (as I sit here with a heating pad on my lap, a sweater on, and socks that I can feel the cold through).

Okay, all for now...


(Much later)


*goes off to pout over crappy defense*

*actually goes to read angel porn*

diet, cooking, football

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