catching up on talking meme

Dec 15, 2014 23:32

because I suck.

So these are all from delphipsmith.

Saturday's was "dream job".

Well, it might surprise some of you that it's not "writer" because, even though I'm not a professional writer, I feel that I am one even if all I ever write is fanfic.

No, it's stay at home mom. I always wanted to be a mom. Didn't happen and I'm okay with that, but I know I'd have been a really good one. But I never made enough money to adopt and raise a child on my own, so that dream went away. It's still there in case we suddenly win the lottery, but I also wouldn't want to wait too many more years as I'd be raising a teen in my 70s.

Sunday's was "best Christmas present I ever received" and that would be the dollhouse my grandparents' gave me when I was eleven. They had friends of theirs make it for me--the husband built it and the wife, a very crafty person (she had this whole craft room and taught me how to blow eggs and decorate them; I still have the ones I did somewhere, though as my talent in that direction is severely limited, they were nowhere as good as the ones she made) decorated it. I still have it.

Today's is "best Christmas present I ever gave" and I'm going to go with the year I gave my parents' a copy of "Lily" the first fanfic I ever wrote. It took a lot of courage for me to share that with them. They knew I wrote stories, had some dim understanding of fanfic, but I don't think they realized what I could produce.

Of course, that fic was pretty tame considering only four of the twenty four chapters contained any smut at all, but it's still something that was hard to share with them, even though they're very liberal.

Also, it was something very personal from me. It's not like I knit or embroider or anything. I can't make people scarves or quilts etc. But I can write.


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