still so far behind

Dec 15, 2014 23:17

Even though I'm getting stuff done, I feel like I'm overwhelmed so I just sit and read fanfic. *sigh*

I did get my cards done while catching up on some tv last night. I did not write anything.

Today was crazy busy. I'd forgotten until I got to work and opened the email that I had to go to this stupid webinar over lunch. See, our district (county) court decided to make efiling mandatory come January 5 and all the attorneys are flailing and panicking. I refused to use it until it became mandatory and now it is so, because sending my boss would have been a useless failure, I had to go.

The fact that they couldn't get their XP computer to work right and so we missed the first five minutes and then they lost the feed for a couple minutes at one point doesn't inspire confidence that our court is going to be handle this at all.

While it's not all the complicated, it's going to be time consuming. Whereas it used to take just a few minutes to copy and prepare documents for filing, I'm figuring your basic petition is going to take at least fifteen minutes to get set up and efiled. And then to actually get service on anything, the court will send those documents back and we PRINT THEM OUT AND PHYSICALLY DELIVER THEN TO THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT WITH THE CHECK FOR FIFTEEN BUCKS. Jesus, could this be more clunky?!

Other attorney went to the webinar a couple weeks ago and tried a test document and it was rejected. *face palm*

And it's going to cost us $2.00 more to file anything that has a court cost. They already gouge us for surcharges because the state won't fund the courts, and now we have $2.00 more to pass on to our clients for every petition, garnishment, alias summons, debtor's exam.

So, getting our account set up and doing a test run is one more thing I have to do before vacay as my first day back is the day all this crap starts.

I still have a stack of work to do as evictions came in today and I needed to get those done first. I also spent a half hour on hold with blue cross to pay my first premium only to be told that they'd send me an invoice and, while I'd enrolled, it might take a month for them to process it all which made me panic and email my navigator because it sounded like I wouldn't be covered until they processed it even though everything on the marketplace website said 'sign up by the 15th of December, have coverage on the 1st of January.' Navigator said, politely, that the BC person was an idiot (who also tried to sell me life insurance). If I don't have my card by the first, she'll give me the number on it so I can use it at the doctor's office on January 2 when I have an appointment.

Then, after it poured rain last night, it sleeted on me when I left the grocery store. Blech

So I made pancakes for dinner.

I did finally get stuff ordered for brother, and I also wrapped presents tonight while watching the Bears just continue to suck. Brother got mom a canister set for the kitchen and it came in one big box but inside were four boxes which made me happy (today's) because I love wrapping, the more packages the better. Plus I have like twenty different rolls of paper and try not to repeat at all.

Slowly starting to get holiday cards. Got one today from my cousin, Julie. Also got my Secret Ho present though I'm not unwrapping anything until Christmas because the more prezzies the better.

Mom and I are trying to pull Solstice together. It may just be us. *sigh* At least we have the music set. I need to spend some time tomorrow emailing people about participating in Christmas Eve and some time Amy and I need to find time to practice the song I'm singing for the Sunday after Christmas (I sang it last year, Do You Know A Secret) but we still need to run through it. Maybe after choir on Wednesday.

So, tomorrow night mom and I work on Solstice. Wednesday night I have choir and Thursday mom and I are going to the community theatre's production of Mary Poppins. I told her I can't come over on Friday--I may very well be writing Yuletide fics then. *sigh* Naturally I have a firm idea for the pinchhit--that never fails but then I picked it because I knew I could write it--and only dim ones for my assignment.

And I can't eat anything after 8:00 p.m. tomorrow because I have blood tests on Wednesday before work.


stress, holiday wrapping, court stupidity, work, holiday cards, stupid weather

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