still cautiously optimistic

Sep 19, 2014 19:25

Things are firming up a bit, still have to go urgently sometimes and still loose but not watery. For the first night in over a week I didn't have to go. Was blocked up a bit most of the day but now it's loose and urgent again. Last night the same thing happened; had to go like two or three times in an hour and then I was done. But, better than it was. I'm trying to eat more normally to help right my body.

I did go to my parents' and had yummy fried rice and got all my birthday prezzies finally. I got SHIELD and SPN 9 and both Moneyball the movie and book along with some other books and the latest sarah McLachlan CD. My nephew got my World War Z the book which I started last night and am quite enjoying. I can understand how the movie had to have a plot, though so why it's very different.

I'll stay a bit, watch the Royals for a while, but I'm kind of tired and still a bit wobbly from lack of food.

First ball a strike, yay!

Last night KSU had chances to beat Auburn. *sigh* Played really good D.

Today's happy is that not only did I finish last week's fullmoon ficlet prompt, I also got this week's written and posted. Yay for writing!

Of course now the guy hit a single...

Doctor in the morning and then not going to the downtown post office as I realized it's the Band Day parade downtown. Uh uh no way. I need to run to Target anyway and it's out by the southside PO. Only two Big 12 games tomorrow--ours at 2:30 and then OU/WVU at 6:30 so I'll watch most of the Royals game at noon and then, if we're winning, tape the rest before turning over to football.

Apparently I'll be taping the last hour or so of the KU/Texas game next Saturday as we're going to dinner for our birthdays at 6:30 and the game doesn't start until 3:00. Which means by half-time when we're losing by 30 points, everyone will be downtown where the restaurant is. Yeah, we're not going to find parking. I figured they'd move dinner to Friday night. I'm going to insist they pick me up as at least they have dad's handicap tag.

Hopefully by then my stomach will have normalized. I mean it has to!

Great Detroit's up by two already in the first with one out. Yeah, we're not making the playoffs. I mean, Gordon misread a catch that could have been a double play! GORDON!

Dad gave up on OUAT last year but mom and I still like it except we're not thrilled that the first half of the season is all set after this Frozen movie. Pretty much everyone knows the stories of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan etc., but we can't be the only fans of the show who've never seen the movie that's NOT based on fairy tales. I think this is a bad move by OUAT, just trying to capitalize on a blockbuster cartoon movie.

Well, probably should do some work.

And they've scored again...

happy meme, royals, writing, tv blather, family stuff, stupid body

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