
Sep 16, 2014 20:44

Today's Happy: I seem to be on the mend; no accidents, no urgent need to go.

Very lame happy.

I did take some more imodium last night before bed and *cross fingers* I think it worked. Of course, I managed to choke on 1/2 of a caplet and freaked out and spilled water all down myself trying not to die and then had to run to the bathroom because stress always does that.


I slept in until 10:15 or so, though not deeply, but still got around seven hours total. Went to work at noon and there wasn't a huge pile of work, thankfully. Also a 'write yourself a $50 check for your birthday' note. *g* I always know what my bonuses are because I write the checks. I was draggy at work and then the grocery, but then I've hardly eaten anything in the last five days. Today all I had was a bowl of cheerios, two packages of cheesy crackers, and then about half a can of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. I figure I've lost another three or four pounds since Saturday. Really not the way to do it.

I bought some non spicy, non dairy foods to eat over the next few days--tuna, bagels, soups, as well as some diet tv dinners that should be okay for my tummy.

Mom and dad seem to be fine so hopefully they didn't get it.

Okay, last inning we had the bases loaded with one out and only scored one (Hosmer was thrown out at the plate). This time, bases loaded no outs and we just scored two. Yay!

Boss working at home in the morning then out most of the afternoon so I hope to get some writing done. I drafted up my TW BB summary, but hope to get a couple more thousand words written before it's due tomorrow night. Hope to make it to choir practice tomorrow night, too.

Due to the choking, I ground up my new meds because they're the same size as imodium caplets and I'd been cutting them in half and, y'know, I choked on half an imodium. God they taste horrible. It's bad enough that I have this bad taste in my mouth (not sure it's rusty nails but it's blechy) all the time from them anyway, but I immediately had to brush my teeth with a ton of toothpaste to get the taste out. And I thought the iron pills tasted horrible.

Once upon a time I could swallow whole handfuls of pills at one time...At least I get a lot of my daily water consumption down in the morning--a whole 32 ounces usually.

I hope to drink some coffee tomorrow. Haven't had any since Saturday when I had a latte from Mcdonalds which was probably a mistake but it tasted so good. I have managed to drink some diet coke every day to stave off caffeine headaches.

I'm definitely allergic to something in my office. Within just a couple hours of being there, I was going hoarse. I was fine the last four days basically.

Dad's going to make fried rice this Friday for my tardy bday dinner. Last week when I originally requested it for yesterday, I figured I'd only eat a little because 1) blood test upcoming and 2) having to weigh on Saturday. Now it'll be post blood test and I'm not worried about gaining five pounds in three days. Dad makes the best fried rice--my last attempt was comparable but still not quite there. He also holds mine out and then adds the spice he wants because I like mine mild. He also makes the best omelets. I make the best meatloaf. Mom's is just never that good and we use the same recipe. Very weird.

And, now, a meme; I was tagged by delphipsmith.

Rules: In a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. Tag ten friends, including me, so I’ll see your list. Make sure you let your friends know you’ve tagged them! Except I'm too lazy to tag anyone. Do it if you like. :)

1. Good Omens by Pratchett and Gaiman

2. Neverwhere by Gaiman

3. 1632 by Flint

4. Islands In The Sea Of Time by Stirling

5. Princess by Devereux

6. Sharra's Exile by Zimmer-Bradley

7. Dragonquest by McCaffrey

8. Decline And Fall Of The British Aristocracy by David Cannadine

9. To Marry An English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by MacColl and Wallace

10. The Windflower by London

If you're curious about any of them, just ask.

And now, up 3-2, the Sox have the bases loaded with no outs and it's just the top of the fourth and both starters are out. Our middle relievers are so very suspect. *sigh*

happy meme, meme, royals, work, stupid body, books

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