no clueness

Jul 09, 2014 10:46

Why on earth would I have nine refills on my needles (100 in a box, that's over three months worth) and yet the prescription expired last month?! Not a problem as they'll contact my doctor for approval, but either have just one or two refills or make the expiration date way out. It's not like I'm popping excess pills here. It's a needle.

Boy Brazil stunk it up yesterday. I didn't get to see any of it due to going to parents' after work and manicure, but I checked the score at half time and was shocked. No one scores that much in soccer! That was like a baseball score.

Speaking of...Jeez Royals, one bad play cost us the game.

Last appointment with my manicurist till September as her baby's due at the end of this month but she was having minor contractions already yesterday and the baby was seven pounds so she was hoping to have it. They still had no power at her house so much preferable to be in an air conditioned hospital even in labor! I have an appointment with the lady she trained so all's good on my front. I went with red nails as I have red toes and I'm actually wearing sandals today.

So I guess I was lucky my power was restored yesterday morning. On a side street off mine, there was still a big truck at 9:00 last night. Probably had a tree down on a line which was my manicurist' problem. The company restores power to larger areas first then works on individual issues. My worry was that I'd be one of the latter what with the line pulling away with the siding but it didn't snap.

Got everything set back up to record on the stupid DVR and did the naughty on everything else. Luckily, when you watch shows on non-networks they often reshow them a lot. I'll have to watch 24 and Under the Dome from this week on the network websites but otherwise I'll get everything, including this past week's Teen Wolf as they reair it right before the new ep. Also, the person who does the naughty on it did it last night so I didn't have to watch it at :)

Not enough Peter.


Do NOT want Derek/Braeden. Come on, honey, women are your downfall! I mean, of course they're not going to do a slash ship on the show but just be celibate.

Stiles should be in MUCH better shape than that.

Lydia/Parrish is becoming a thing in fic because of the ep.

I'm writing Peter/Stiles. Surprise, surprise. Unlike other Stiles writers who don't write him with Derek, I get no flack over this probably because I don't tumblr or whatever where all the insano fans are. Apparently there's a lot of slamming of non Derek/Stiles writers going on out there (people writing them with other people). Yeah, shipper wars are so fucking attractive. Been there, done that, burned the t-shirt about seventeen years ago. :P I'm just going to stay over here in my happy little Peter/Stiles world where I actually have people who like my fics. (Got a great feedback just now along the lines of 'As always, your writing grabs something inside me and squeezes til I feel I can't breathe.' See, that's why I write--when I'm not just writing for myself.)

So, the current fic, which I will finish before I post it and if it gets long enough maybe it'll be my Teen Wolf Big Bang, contains several things I never expected to write.

Alpha/Beta/Omega, which I do read sometimes (though there are fandoms I don't think it works in at all; TW not being one of them) but there are certain common aspects that I'm not a big fan of which I won't go into here. If you read the fic, you'll be able to guess.

All Human AU which I NEVER write and hardly ever read and don't really support because in many cases it strips away what makes the supernatural/horror fandom what it is.

Yeah, IDEK. *face palm*

It all started because I had AU gender norm on my trope bingo card and wrote a little bit about Stiles as an Omega. I've reworked that extensively as the opening of this fic, changing somethings about the universe I'm creating to make it make some sense. I even wrote up notes on the dynamics which I'll probably include as some kind of addendum.

Anyway...hump day and I actually have very little work so I'm holepunching while boss is in a morning trial which hopefully will go on all morning. Actually I'm typing this...

I watched half of Le Tour yesterday (since with the DVR rebooting it didn't record so I started it when I ran home to check on the power at 9:00 a.m.) It was a pretty boring stage after last year's winner crashed in the first five miles. Today is the cobblestones. It was taping when I left and I added an extra hour. Monday's taping of London, with an extra half hour, wasn't enough and my recording ended about six miles from the finish line! Dammit.

So, tonight I'll watch that and the Royals and hopefully get some more writing done.

Today is the reveal of one exchange fic, in a couple hours. :) I'm pretty happy with what I wrote; it's a bit short but I think pretty decent. I have three others I need to get on, due in the next couple weeks.

Last night, on leaving my parents', I almost forgot to take my food back home. *sigh* Sometimes I wonder where my brain is...

Dad's supposed to be stopping by my house and relatching my garage door opener. I'm too short to be able to yank the cord the right way. Then I can stop having to use the front door so I can stop locking the door from the garage that has no key.

I have chicken casserole leftovers for dinner. :) Mom made meatloaf last night and it's okay but so bland compared to mine. She must not use all the herbs I do even though we use the same two recipes and combine them. Actually, I think maybe she forgot the Worcestershire sauce.

Tomorrow I go down another step on the steroids, to 30mg a day. I do think it's working just because of some gross bodily things that are lessening up. Bodies are stupid, man.

Oh, I called my insurance agent but she said to get stuff checked out and if the chimney is damaged a lot, then put in a claim since my deductible is like $1100. I also emailed a couple tree places and, not surprisingly, they're busy, but I'm on the lists at least for call backs. Dad is going to help with the cost of the tree removal and then he's talking about hiring this handyman they've used to clean out the whole back yard (and hopefully reattach the dangling siding panel) and just put it in grass. Leave the couple old apple and plum trees, the cedars, any hostas that are still alive, but mostly just gut the damn place. Mostly it's full of bushy weed trees. With at least two of the big (sixty feet at least) trees gone, sun might actually get through.

I've taken so much money from them this summer it's horrible, but I can't do this on my own and, frankly, he planted all the damn trees to begin with! It might be nice to have a back yard that's more than a habitat for wildlife. I'll have to replace the deck as it's got holes in it (I was very careful walking out onto it yesterday to check the siding problem--hadn't gone out there in at least two years). The whole thing is probably rotten but I didn't fall through. But, that can wait till next year.

Of course, I'll have to mow more if I have a backyard with grass, but the neighbors should be happy the eyesore is gone...

Speaking of mowing, the new grass is growing nicely but the weed grass grows about four times faster. *sigh* I'll have to mow this weekend. We'll put some kind of weedkiller down this Fall.

Okay, I've babbled enough today...

things that confuse me, stupid yard, le tour, work, writing, stupid body

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