Dear Apocalyptothon Writer

Jun 20, 2014 19:18

Placeholder for letter.

Update: Assignments are out and I apologize to my author for there being no letter. I have been ill for several days, struggling to find the energy to do anything but lay on the couch and watch soccer. I will try to get the letter written by sunday night. Sadly I have an active Sunday--let's pray I have the energy to do the things I have to do like picking up my parents from the airport and leading the church service. And mowing. Can't forget mowing. :P

Updated Update: And....I suck. To be fair, I've been sick for a while now and yesterday had a colonoscopy and endoscopy to determine that I most likely have ulcerated colitis (or ulcers in my colon). Yay. Basically I have bleeding which makes me have no energy and stomach icks.

But I'm here now...

So, basically I'm not picky about what kind of apocalypse. Go wild! I love them all. Post apocalyptic stuff is my favorite genre for reading and television (pre, too, as SPN Season 5 is my fave). I love dark stuff, angst, hurt/comfort, pain and anguish, non-con, dub-con, but, on the other hand, I like happy or at least hopeful endings. As much as that's possible in a post-apocalyptic world. Also, I prefer no major character deaths except canon ones.

If you want to see what I like to read, check out what I write either at AO3 (ladyoneill) which is mostly Teen Wolf or my website


Angel the Series: Buffy was my first fandom and still holds a special place in my heart. I've been writing in it for eighteen years. I consider AtS and BtVS to really be one fandom. My favorite pairings here are: Angel/Lindsey, Angel/Faith, Angel/Cordelia, Lilah/Wes (not wussy Wes, but darkish Wes), Spike/Angel, Spike/Illyria. I also love Angelus and I love Connor. I'm not a fan of Fred/Wes but do like Fred/Gunn. Or you can go gen. You can also throw in Dru and Darla if you like because I adore them both as well. Post the show minus the comics works for an apocalypse. Angelus returning and opening hell works. Illyria getting lose and bringing it about would be cool (making Spike her pet *g*). Really, I'm not picky. Any rating, too.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: See AtS above. My favorite pairings are: Buffy/Spike, Spike/Dru, Xander/Cordelia, Jenny/Giles (yes, I'm old skool), Buffy/Angelus. I do like Dawn and Faith and Joyce. I love Drusilla. Buffy/Spike is by far my favorite pairing but I'm not picky because I loved and wrote Buffy/Angel and Spike/Dru first. I love Buffy/Spike/Angel(us), too. Possible apocalypses: Angelus returning etc.; Dru doing something to get Spike back. I'd prefer post show minus comics as I'm not up-to-date on the comics. Of course, gen is fine, too, and any rating.

Stargate Universe: I really loved this show and I've written a few things for it. I love Greer to pieces; paired with any female is fine. I love TJ/Young and Chloe/Rush. I don't slash anyone here but canon pairings are all fine, too. Maybe they finally return home and find the Earth in ruins? Or they get caught up in some apocalyptic mess in another galaxy? Or Destiny starts breaking apart? Again, gen and any rating is fine.

Supernatural: I really, really loved Seasons 4 and 5. Angels/demons, Heaven/Hell, I ADORE those genres. The show lends itself to apocalypses so go wild here, but including angels and demons would be perfect. While I love both Sam/Gabriel and Dean/Cas, I'm fine with gen or pairing the boys up with women (I really liked Lisa). I love Crowley and Charlie, too. Also I'm a huge John fan, so if you want to bring him back that would be awesome. I do not read or write Wincest though I have no problem with it; just not my thing. Feel free to bring back any dead characters; there are none I dislike. *sob* Bobby. Oh, I also like the idea of Sam/Jody.

Teen Wolf: This is my current fandom; I write voraciously in it and pretty much only read fic in this fandom (though please don't feel like you have to write something for TW; I love the above four as well; there's just so much TW fanfic to read these days!).
My favorite pairing is by far Stiles/Peter but I also love the following: Stiles/Derek, Peter/Lydia, Peter/Chris, Stiles/Lydia, Peter/Sheriff (call him John and I'll love you!), Melissa/Sheriff. I'm not a huge fan of reading about Allison, Scott or Isaac as the primary characters but like them well enough to have them in the fic. Malia, Kira, Cora, Talia back from the dead, I like them, too. I liked Deucalion a lot and wouldn't mind seeing him return. Kate as a villain is cool. All I ask is that you not kill the Sheriff. I adore him. :) I have no real ideas for an apocalypse but there are so many potential ones here with the Nemeton and Kate and Peter being sort of dead maybe. As always, gen and any ratings are fine.

I hope this helps. I really am not picky and want to make sure to give you lots of freedom, but if you want a specific prompt, please ask the mods to contact me and I'll think of something. :)

dear writer letter

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