busy and lazy weekend, or maybe that's the anemia

May 12, 2014 09:57

OMG how did I not know about this??????

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Yes, please, oh yes!

Ravenscar and the girl he damned and angels and hell and blond hair and the trenchcoat!!!!! Okay, it's got some American girl but he was in America a lot in the comics so I'm willing to buy it. If it's as good as the trailer and NBC doesn't fuck it up, it's a fitting replacement for SPN (if SPN actually ends at ten seasons).

I was sold at Ravenscar. Anything's better than the Keanu Reeves travesty (the only thing that made the movie bearable was Tilda Swanson).

In other news NBC cancelled Revolution which I quite enjoyed and CBS Intelligence and The Crazy Ones, ditto. :( Pretty much everything else I watch got renewed or was ending anyway. CW ended Starcrossed but if I had to choose between it and The 100, the latter wins hands down. I have a thing for post apocalyptic worlds. Also angels. Looking forward to Syfy's "Dominion" next month.

Still way behind on tv. I spent a lot of Saturday dozing.

I have to have a colonoscopy but the doctor was fine with putting it off till the end of June. She didn't seem overly concerned and her examination of my stomach didn't reveal any hard spots or anything. The blood is microscopic (I never noticed it) so it's probably a polyp or something simple. They may do an endoscopy, too, since I've had some heartburn, but it can all be done at the same time. I'm not thrilled, especially since I'll have to lose a day of work and all vacay days are allotted, but I am tired all the time so maybe there is something wrong that's easily fixable. Even on the high powered iron pills my iron hemoglobin level dropped from 10.2 in December to 10.1 in March so I am losing blood. Also I'm almost down to the weight I was at last doctor's appointment, so if I'm good I figure I can lose about five more pounds before England and be the lowest I've been since I was on Nutrisystem eight years ago.

The Royals split the series with Seattle. Yesterday was very back and forth. We were up 4-0 thanks to Escobar's early grand slam and then they were up 5-4 and then they were up 7-5 and then we won 9-7. I had to leave for dinner in the top of the 7th when we were down by two and I debated not taping it but I'm glad we did because our second baseman hit a three run homer to put us up for good pretty much right after I left.

Church was our senior bridging ceremony. We had two graduating seniors, one the girl I've worked with on the Spiritual Celebration Team whom I've mentioned before. Each kid is introduced by a non-related adult so our minister asked me to introduce her. I had what I was going to say in my head all Saturday but finally wrote it down Sunday morning. I got a couple compliments on it. Her reflection made me tear up. Her mom, who was introducing the other kid, was crying, too. Well, so was she. The other kid is a musician and most of his reflection was a song he wrote for guitar--no lyrics but he crafts beautiful pieces of music; he did the same for his grandfather's funeral a couple years ago. A young adult who grew up in the church (her aunt grew up there with me--we were talking afterwards and discovered we went to the same experimental kindergarten the same year--we find this out 43 years later????) has a vocal degree and sang "For Good" from Wicked for most of her reflection. The choir sang, too.

It was a very nice service.

I got a bit of writing done but didn't edit or post anything as I got tired again last night after dinner at our favorite Mexican place. They had a new refried bean and cheese burrito so I forwent my usual tacos for it. It was good but I couldn't eat it all and only had a few bites of rice. Mom liked the vase I got her.

I also swapped out all my winter for summer clothes and started choosing things to take on the trip from the winter set--lightweight but long sleeve tops mostly. We're going from London to the Orkneys north of Scotland; God knows what the temperature difference will be like.

Oh, Friday night I went to my dad's retirement party. It was mostly young faculty which was really nice to see because dad's been a mentor to most of them. They gave him an $80 bottle of wine from France and have commissioned a Louis Copt painting. I've been trying to get my parents to buy one of the prairie on fire ones for a couple years so I really hope it's one of those. I usually don't like landscapes but those are just gorgeous.

I didn't get any cleaning done and I need to vacuum and sweep the floors and clean both bathrooms at least before I can get a plumber in. I realized I'll have to clean my bathroom so which ever parent is hanging out while they put in a new toilet in the front bath can have one if they need it. I might start tonight depending on my energy level but Thursday is more likely as I have only two shows on tv that night. I should call the plumber today to see about a Friday appointment.

Oh, in my writing yesterday I managed to write for a prompt I don't have. I thought I had genderswap but I have bodyswap and Alt. gender norms. Brilliant. I've used my Trope Bingo free square already. I'll post it at some point, though.

The fullmoon ficlet prompt this week is Mother's Day which is perfect for a series with two dads; need to get on the Mating Games prompt, too, which is along the lines of werewolf sex like with claws or knots or feralness or all the way to bestiality. I was pretty pleased with my first story and there have been some positive comments which is always nice. There are nine fic winners each week and I never won last year so here's hoping. I need to start reading and voting, too. You get two points for your team for voting in all four categories (one is art).

It's rained enough (though still very little) that the grass is high again already. Not mowing till this weekend, though. Around 6:30 on Saturday night the weather alert went off with a warning of tennis ball sized hail for the northwestern part of our county (where my parents live) and 'go to the lowest level of your house; humans and animals outside will be injured; warning warning warning Will Robinson'. We got nothing, not even a drop of rain. My parents had a tiny bit of rain. I watched the radar the whole time and it was obvious it wasn't going to hit us here and would barely brush them. I dunno if anyone got tennis ball sized hail.

I enjoyed the finale of Once Upon A Time. Caught up on Grimm as well--I like Truble. Still way behind and a full slate tonight.

Well, surprisingly other attorney isn't in yet. Boss actually came in around 3:30 on Friday as they got away early from the Ozark, so he's gone through stuff already and isn't in yet either but I figure my free time here is numbered...

church, work, writing, family, stupid weather, tv blather, cleaning is the devil's work, stupid body

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