here, have a half nekkid spike

Apr 08, 2014 10:22

I got a lot of writing done over the weekend, all new stuff for bingo cards. The guest minister from Des Moines was very good on Sunday. He talked on reverent agnosticism. Lots of humor in his sermon and he was engaging. Luckily I dragged myself there because the choir was missing a lot of people. We sang a song I know very well, though, and my voice was pretty good. The highest it went was a B and that was sung in unison with the sopranos.

Chalice Circle was nice; we only have two more meetings. :( I'm really getting a lot out of it.

I made the mistake of starting taking sudafed again starting Sunday and ended up with the dry, hacking cough yesterday--even twitched my back coughing. So I've stopped it again. Even if my allergies kill me, at least I'm coughing stuff up. So no sudafed until the cough is completely gone.

The new guy is definitely a morning person and works all day in the office. Who does that??? This is going to put a big damper on watching tv.

Had my tax appointment after work yesterday and, unlike many Kansans I'm actually getting money back from the State. I'll get about $2K total. I don't know if my $6500 in medical expenses mattered or not because I always seem to get between $1.8 and $2K back. I'm finally making a dent in my mortgage which is nice. In twelve years I've now paid about $21K. Most still goes to interest, of course, but it's starting to come down faster.

Watched the Royals on my computer and the basketball game on mute on the tv. I did switch over to see the replay of the ball cracking off our second baseman's chin. It wasn't malicious or anything but was definitely nasty. Haven't heard yet if it's broken or if he has a concussion.

We won. And Kentucky lost. Suck it Calipari. *g*

Watched the season finale of Bitten. Enjoyable enough show but if it doesn't come back, I won't be heartbroken. Also watched Starcrossed which is getting better as the season progresses.

Tonight I'm off to the parents to work and watch baseball. I get kind of obsessed with the sport which is difficult during the tv season as I want to watch every game. (I wonder if I'll be able to listen to them on when I'm in England.) I have a fic due on Friday I need to get written--a pairing I've never written before, though I have written the female character. That'll be interesting. I want to pick three prompts for queerfest but as of late last night the post for picking still wasn't up. I need to pin down late June posting dates, after I'm back from vacay because while I can write while I'm in England I can't guarantee I'll have internet access the whole time. I will in the London flat and the Scottish cottage but dunno about hotels.

If I'm going to do the J2spnbb I need to get on that as the 20K rough draft is due May 1. I have it started, as it's spinning off from the unfinished Dean/Casbb from two years ago.

I've been very tired the last couple of days. No clue why as I seem to be getting the normal amount of sleep and I don't think I have a fever. I'm just so over being sick. At least the weather is better--mostly sixties and some seventies over the next week.

I wish caffeine affected me, though.

Church conference this weekend. It's not really my thing, but the choir is singing at the Sunday morning service along with several other choirs and dad paid my registration. Mom has a room for both Friday and Saturday nights and dad is staying only through Saturday evening, so I'll go over Saturday morning and attend a session on music and then hang out in the afternoon till choir practice and an evening music session, and then stay in mom's room and bring her home Sunday. First time car will go farther on a highway than eight miles. Probably need to figure out how to get to the downtown Topeka Ramada Inn.

Then dad and I are Winter Soldiering!

Well, despite being tired and just wanting to go curl up on the floor and nap I have actual work to do. :P

march madness, royals, church stuff, writing, tv blather, stupid body

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