
Apr 04, 2014 10:50

Other attorney seems to be a morning person. :P I was late this morning and he was already here. :P

On the plus side, though, boss is out all day. Of course it's Friday when I have a ton of weekly stuff to do. And with other attorney here I can't exactly start watching tv.

Hopefully the Royals home opener will be a go today--it's cold but I don't think it's supposed to rain. Yesterday's game was postponed due to rain in Detroit. Here, Spring just kind of disappeared. I went out to my car around 12:30 yesterday to get the info about it to change my insurance and it was sunny and warmish. I left work at 4:30 and it was overcast with a cold wind blowing and it just got windier and colder. It's the same this morning.

Still coughing a lot, still aching, not only the cracked rib but all the muscles in my stomach and around the ribs are sore. Also, whenever I get a cold I get a few days of constipation so that's no fun. I felt pretty good yesterday and then got a fever last night and felt crappy. I didn't watch anything on my DVR. No, I watched first the second half of Capt. America, then the first half, interspersed with episodes of Big Bang Theory. *sigh* Then watched parts of Cap AGAIN as I read fanfic.

Off to dinner with my mom tonight--dad's at a conference in KC. She's making beef stew and Irish soda bread. Yummmmm

I get my hair colored and cut in the morning. Let's hope I don't have a coughing fit. I can see myself choking while laying back for a wash or sending color flying everywhere as I go into a full body cough. *g*

Very envious of people who already saw Winter Soldier because they don't live in stupid America and got it earlier. :| Not that I'll be seeing it this weekend. Dad and I'll be going next Sunday after our church's district convention in Topeka. The choirs are singing so hopefully I'll have a voice and the power to sing.

I was feeling so crappy last night that I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner around 9:00. Still haven't mind the stir fry but the chicken is good until Monday so hopefully tomorrow in the middle of basketball. I guess I'm rooting for UConn. I'm sure Florida will win it all so I don't want them to win, hate Kentucky, and don't really care one way or another for Wisconsin.

I hope to get some writing done as well but I hope that every weekend. I have been working on both my Peter/Stiles WIPs over the last couple of days, so that's something.

I wanna take a nap.

This seems all very random...

weekend plans, royals, work annoyances, stupid weather, stupid body

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