geez, missed yesterday today and i basically did nothing after church

Jan 13, 2014 18:54

Day 13

In your own space, talk about setting yourself a fannish goal. Big or small, it doesn't matter. Some great examples include: complete a bingo, sign-up for a Big Bang, write that fic you've been thinking about for years, podfic that story that you love, make a fanmix for your fandom, post that bit of meta or reclist you keep postponing. Maybe resolve to be better at leaving feedback, or answering comments.

Is it serendipitous that today the sign ups opened for the j2_spn_bb? I've never done it before and I don't really write SPN fic very much anymore, but...maybe. Since any pairing with a main character is welcome despite the name, I just might give it a try.

Should I try to finish Endings & Beginnings? Anyone? Buehler?

And I'd love to do better at answering feedback--I was doing really well until I started getting harsh comments on that one fic last summer. I never have answered any of those (and I got another one just a couple weeks ago!) Pretty much turned me off of replying to even positive comments. I did get ones for Yuletide fics replied to.

Anyway, maybe...

snowflake challenge

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