After a two hour couch nap *sigh* and before I run off to read fandom stocking reveals *yay*.
Day 9
In your own space, rec at least 3 fanworks you thought you wouldn't like (because they weren't your fandom or they pushed against your boundaries or you thought you just wouldn't be interested) but you ended up loving.
I wish I could remember the first Teen Wolf fic I read, surely a crossover with SPN or Buffy or I never would have given it a shot, but I can't. I've read literally thousands since. And I have no clue what the first Buffy fic I read was (on BBETA, that sucked me into my first fandom oh so many years ago). And I credit fanfic for getting me into White Collar and Stargate and probably several other shows that my half-asleep brain can't remember. Crossovers do that to me. I end up watching a show because I read a crossover fic with a fandom I'm in. Though it's not just crossovers. Reading one Slade/Dick fic on an LJ comm I was on for multiple fandoms led me back into DC comics (and several hundred dollars poorer as I bought up about eight years of Bat books *g*).
So...that said.
The first is a Teen Wolf story, not a surprise, but a crossover with a show I don't watch (and still have only watched the first couple).
Uneven Odds is a Teen Wolf/Suits crossover by DarkK. I'm not quite sure why I started reading it when it was about halfway finished (it's done now). It's crossing Stiles mostly into an unfamiliar fandom for me/world. It has a character dying in it as the starting point--I don't tend to read fics where this character dies. Stiles evolves into a different but strong and interesting character. All the characters evolve through the story in ways that make sense. I dunno, I just fell in love with the story. It's that enjoyable a read.
I'm not a fan of genderbend stories, especially the "always a ______" kind. That said, one of the first Teen Wolfs I remember reading was a very dark Peter/Stiles where Stiles is a girl. The sad thing is that the fic is unfinished and it's been a couple years so it's most likely never going to be finished. I itch to pick it up and write it myself--it's that intriguing a story. It does have rape and darkness and is an early mate bond fic (a very popular trope now) but then this is me, that shouldn't be surprising to you. I'm sure I read it because of the rape aspect and Peter/Stiles which intrigued me from early on (this is like the fourth Peter/Stiles fic on AO3).
Fate Up Against Your Will by ohanotherday.
Well, I was going to rec one of my all time favorite Buffy fics, which is completely outsider POV, something I rarely read, but it was on Geocities. *sigh* Luckily for me, it (and a couple others that were possibles for this challenge) is on my harddrive but that doesn't exactly help you guys. Why is Melinda Dawnay's Friendship missing, too, people??? It's the definitive Willow/Angel story. *sigh*
So, instead, let's go find that first Dick/Slade fic.
I'm pretty sure it's
Pieces of a Puzzle by coldfiredragon. Well, I know it was by her and it was on the darkfics comm that I read it and it sucked me in. She'd only written three by September 1, 2006 when I commented on one of them, so by process of elimination... Anyhoo...I had no clue that the Bat Books and Teen Titans had gone anything like this. I LOVED Dick as Renegade thanks to her fics and other people's and they sucked me in, man.