still behind, still cold

Dec 10, 2013 09:52

I didn't get any presents wrapped last night as I didn't get home until nearly 6:45. I had several errands to run in the bitter cold, starting with getting gas. I need warmer gloves (I have some, just need to fetch them from the guest room). I have lightly lined leather gloves--great for driving and 40 degree weather, not so great to hold a metal gas pump when it's 18 degrees. I only put $10 in and my fingers stung for nearly ten minutes afterwards--through the gloves!

Nowhere seems to sell those ring things made of fake berries and holly that you sit a candle in the middle of. I got a silver jar like holder but the candle's not tall enough and looks stupid. *sigh* I did get more of the Tanzanian peaberry coffee from World Market and a marshmallow smellie for my snowman nightlight at Bath and Body. Target was not too crazy except due to storms in Texas they had no fruit and veg, eggs and very little milk/cheese!!!! No bananas or eggs at all. No head lettuce. No broccoli except baby broccoli from green giant. Sure chose the wrong grocery! (Per mom, the other two main chains were stocked.)

I wish there was one grocery that had everything I wanted! Dillons (our Kroger) has a great Chinese deli, best fried chicken in town, Boars Head meats, great bakery. Yet they don't sell dark Woolite (Target does) and their Lean Cuisine selection is smaller. On the other hand I had to buy a 25 pound bag of cat litter at Target because they don't have smaller ones. Target also had a couple new varieties of the Chobani mini yogurts (I can't eat a full size one); so did Hyvee, the other grocery.

Mom goes to both Hyvee and Dillons weekly and sometimes Target, I refuse. *sigh*

Anyway, I had on the Bears game but really didn't watch it--did catch some of Ditka's half-time speech when his number was retired. I baked about 75 peanut butter cookies when I only needed 48. They turned out beautifully. For such a simple recipe, it's tricky. Last spring when I made them they flattened out big time and were crumbly (still tasted fine). I think there wasn't enough sugar in those, so I was very careful with my measurements. Of course I had to eat one to make sure they tasted right.

Since I've lost my copy and I didn't tag the recipe here (I know I posted it years ago), here it is again for my own benefit. And, yes, they're gluten free.

1 cup crunchy peanut butter (I use Jif)
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Mix it all together. Oven at 350. Roll into balls (will be sticky); flatten with wet fork; bake for 12-15 minutes (even my oven took 15). Makes about 15-20 depending on size. Do NOT use natural peanut butter as it's too oily. If you bake on parchment paper, they slide right off.

Mom has decided not to get her vertigo treatment at this time since her blood pressure is still all over the place. She also cancelled a dental appointment--tipping back that far, not good--and a chiropractic one, though her chiropractor said he might be able to help with the vertigo. The only thing that helped her stomach was going to a homeopathic guy. Sometimes "real" medicine just doesn't cut it.

I was going to buy dad some wine last night but I was running so late and was hungry, so I didn't. I'll go Thursday after getting comics, since they're next door to each other. I figured up roughly what I'd spent and I'd spent more on mom. I ordered a couple gifts for boss and other attorney, so after the wine I'm truly done. I did get packages put together and mailed this morning. I wrote down my brother's address and then, because the present for nephew didn't fit in a padded envelope, I decided to get a priority mail box at the post office and forgot to take the address. Thank god for cell phones! I quickly went to the 'net and AT&T and got it.

I also got global stamps which are holiday wreathes. Nice. Except Canada used to be cheaper and now they're the same as everywhere else. *sigh* I also remember when flat rate priority boxes were like $7 and it was around $13.

Also, long lines at the PO already--I got there ten minutes after it opened. I was there for thirty minutes.

Apparently, with no fanfare, this season of Sleepy Hollow is over? Quite enjoyed it, but it seemed strange that there was no 'and now the season finale of' kind of thing. Or maybe there was--I recorded it.

So, tonight, after KU/Florida out at the parents', I hope to do some wrapping while watching Storage Wars and probably more basketball.

Tomorrow I have my pedicure, then a meeting at church at 6:30 to plan the Solstice, then choir, then staying to help set up for that luncheon. Thursday, quick shopping with dad after work, then comics and wine. Friday...I may have to blow off the parents as I have to clean the living room (sweep, dust) and move the chair which sits where the new tv stand will go, and unhook stuff and make sure I have all the right cables and cords and finally unpack the Wii etc. Since they're coming Saturday morning to set up my HD tv. Also it may freezing rain that evening and I don't want to get stuck in the country.

Well, boss has a meeting in fifteen, so... At least it's supposed to get in the 30s today so maybe the snow (all of about 1/4 inch) will melt.

recipes, baking, busy holiday season, holiday shopping, shopping

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