Daily meme thing day one

Dec 01, 2013 20:34

Still lots of slots to sign up for here! I people don't give me suggestions I'll pick a topic myself. :)

Perfect time for AO3 to go down, just when a reveal is underway. *sigh* Well, I need to be writing anyway not reading fic. I have written about 2000 words today.

So, the question was: If Buffy was made today, how would it be different?

The show itself would look different in that CGI and other special effects have advanced so much in the last fifteen years. Joss being more of a known entity now would probably have a lot more big name actors in it, whether that would be a good thing or not is an unknown. It also would be on one of the big three networks (I hope). The world is a darker place in reality, that might seep into the show even more, though it was pretty dark at times.

I would hope that Joss would keep with current music, culture, pop culture references, clothes styles, etc. There all a part of what made Buffy so unique.

If Buffy hadn't existed back then and was dreamed up today, though, it would never be the same. Without that specific bunch of actors, it couldn't be. You can't catch lightning in a bottle. Also, the show in itself was unique for its time. Now a days shows about young people/high school students and the supernatural are all over the place. I'm not sure it would stick out and become so very popular.


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