busy busy busy busy...and sick

Nov 14, 2013 13:30

Haven't posted anything substantial since last Friday!

Let's see...weekend was spent with nightly fevers and editing my polybigbang (which took four hours). Also watching lots of football--KU sucks, this is nothing new; the Chiefs were on a bye week.

Dad and I went to see Thor 2 on Monday and we both liked it. I think it was better than the first (which I enjoyed). Unlike most of my friends, I have no Jane hate, though definitely the most enjoyable parts were anything with Loki or Darcy. After that I posted my polybigbang with lovely art, and the first comment was a scold on the tagging. I fucking HATE that. Didn't even say if they'd read the fic! They wanted me to tag it polymory instead of threesome. No, because the first is a broad term and this is a threesome fic. Fuck off and die. If I post a rape fic and fail to tag that, then you can scold me. Otherwise, no. As I've mentioned many times, I started ficcing back when the only warnings anyone gave were for rape or graphic S&M. If you think an NC17 fic might trigger you, don't read it.

Y'know, books don't lay out all the possible triggers on the back cover yet people buy them. Why do fanfic writers have to warn for every little thing that might possible trigger someone? Frankly, nothing triggers me, so I don't even think about half the stuff people might be harmed by! I undertag because I literally cannot think of possibilities for many things.

And anyway the author's note said it was for the polybigbang; the threesome was noted; all at the top of the story. IT'S A FUCKING THREESOME FIC!


(Obviously I'm still irked about this. I did get some lovely comments as well. Also on my IWRY fic, which I need to upload to AO3 tonight.)

Boss came back suntanned and, I suppose, relaxed. They stayed at a five star hotel right on the beach. Naturally I'm still catching up on everything he's thrown at me to do. All the court documents I did while he was gone and several more this week took forever to copy and I wrote fifty checks for filing and service fees today. Thank god we started using typed checks because my hand was sore enough just from signing them.

Tuesday night was the big night. Out at my parents' while working I watched the Michigan State/Kentucky game that was in Chicago and was the game before ours. MSU nearly gave it away but relying on one player just isn't the way to go (Kentucky and Randle). So glad Kentucky's 'we're going to go 40-0' is already blown to pieces. Really, really can't stand Calipari--plus they're the traditional basketball rival of my parents' alma mater, Indiana. Brother and his family were at both games so we emailed a couple times. Dad got home from teaching and the KU/Duke game started at 9:25. I'd already decided to stay for the whole thing rather than race home at halftime.

To be frank, after Friday's shoddy game at home against a team we should have beaten by thirty (we won by like sixteen) and Duke's demolishing of Davidson (a very good team in recent years) the same night, I expected us to be blown out, down twenty at the half, killed by their star hitting three after three, their flopping and shooting free throws for flopping, our lackluster defense and the high number of foul calls with us missing free throws.

Well, if you saw the game, you know that the only prediction I got right was their star hitting threes (though we held him down in the second half which is when our star, Wiggins, took over, especially late).

Except we don't have just one star. Yes, Andrew Wiggins is being proclaimed as the next basketball god, BUT...Freshmen Selden and Mason were brilliant and Sophomore Ellis was...the star of the game. Not only for his shooting and his free throws, but the way he DIDN'T foul on defense but wove around the offense players and threw them off their shots.

Anyway, despite the high number of fouls, especially in the second half (both teams got a pretty even number of foul calls, which was surprising), and like nineteen lead changes and several ties, we won! Wiggins who sat for more than ten minutes in the first half with two fouls took over in the last quarter. Mason played point like a senior--man is he fast! Our bigs got into early foul trouble so we went small most of the way outside of our seven footer, Embiid, who didn't really shoot (except for the ill conceived three) but played really good defense.

AND, I have never seen a Duke team shoot so poorly from the free throw line. They were like 55%. They would have won the game if they'd hit their free throws. With these new rules, until teams learn to adapt and/or the refs loosen up a bit (really? an offense player brushing by a defender and it doesn't even impede his shot is a defensive foul????), teams that can shoot free throws will have a huge advantage. Outside of our big guys, we sure can!

Due to not getting home until midnight, I only watched SHIELD, which I'm still liking. Nice to see another side of Fitz and further expansion on the other characters. Also they continue the ties to the movies, what with characters and now next week's ep with a direct tie in to Thor 2.

Last night, after prayer book club and choir, I watched SPN which was very good, though I'm not sure what Crowley was doing there at the end.

I'm catsitting next week for a new guy, so tonight I'm meeting with him to meet the cat etc. I'm hoping I can go in the afternoons as he lives only about six blocks out of my way from going to my parents' which I'll be doing Sunday (Chiefs game with dad), Tuesday and Thursday, three of the five days I'm catsitting.

Then I'm meeting mom for a holiday open house in North Lawrence. We've already missed some last week. Why are they so damn early? Why can't they all be on the same day?!

After that I hope to get caught up on some tv. Obviously the mini-bang I was taking part in, where the rough draft was due yesterday, isn't happening because there was no 'send your rough drafts in' post or a check in post earlier etc. Not like I had anything done anyway...Well I had the thousand words from the previously not done TW big bang fic which, on further review, didn't suck as much as I originally thought and had some good ideas. And Peter.

Other attorney messed up a probate today and boss is pissed. Better him than me! But, pissy boss is not fun. He's gone at the moment, so I'm going to wrap this up and then get back to work.

movie blather, ku basketball, sick, work, holiday shopping, writing, ranty stuff, tv blather

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