i ficced

Nov 11, 2013 20:38

Hey, y'all, my polybb is up!

Title: Hypothetically, How Did This Become His Life?
Author: ladyoneill
Artist: waterofthemoon
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Relationship(s)/Characters: Stiles/Lydia, Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Lydia/Derek, Sheriff, other canon characters in minor roles
Word Count: 20,518
Rating: NC17
Content Notes/Warnings: underage, sex both het and slash, graphic language, very mild not really expressed dom/sub; set post 3.12
Summary: After all that happened with the Darach and Alpha Pack, Derek leaves town without a word which kind of ticks off Stiles, but then there are water hags and goblins and visiting packs to deal with and time moves on. Stiles and Lydia grow closer, she as his anchor for the darkness within him, he just thrilled she's talking to him, until the inevitable happens and they have sex then start dating (trust Stiles to do it backwards). Everything's great and then Derek returns and Lydia reveals both a secret and something she's known for a long time. Stiles is mostly confused and Derek constipated, but she's the alpha female and will have her way.
Disclaimer: I don't own Derek, Stiles, Lydia or anyone else on Teen Wolf or the show itself.
A/N: I had a blast writing this and it's much lighter and sillier than most of the fics I write. Also, Peter is nowhere to be seen, to my utter shock. But there is a tiny reference to Isaac/Scott/Allison. Set post 3.12 and ignoring any and all rumors of what's to come in the next half of the season. From Stiles' POV.

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Art Link to LJ

bigbang, writing

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