still alive

Jul 15, 2013 09:48

Still sore but no worse.

I slept pretty well on Saturday night though I discovered that I must have banged my right arm on the car door as there's a bump and sore spot there--found that out when I turned onto that arm to sleep.

Got up early on Sunday and dashed off a sermonette in about an hour, then watched Le Tour. *le sigh* Froome's going to win it all. Boring. It was surprising to see Andy Schleck crack so early on the mountain. Guess he really can't ride without his brother.

The service went well. Our high tenor had been working on a version of Nina Simone's "Feeling Good". Our service was on persevering through fear to courage and we had him sing it at the end rather than earlier in the service when the musical interlude usually is (as I had the second hymn after my sermonette as it was a suffragette song). He brought down the house!

Mom and I went to see Much Ado and OMG JOSSISGOD!

It was really brilliant. Took me about five minutes to get into the language--always does--but so well acted, so funny (loved Amy's pratfall down the stairs). Joss' house and gardens are beautiful. Really well cast. Nathan as Dogberry was perfect.

I knew I'd seen the guy playing Claudio and the girl playing Margaret somewhere. Of course! Topher from Dollhouse and Beth the Waitress from The Avengers. Only a couple of the minor players didn't have any Joss work listed; definitely a friends and family production! Amy and Alexis were especially well cast in the leads--and they have such obvious chemistry. While I never wanted Fred with Wes (being a huge Wes/Lilah fan) even I could see that on Angel.

Anyway, if it comes to your area, go see it!

The only problem was that it really hurts to laugh and I really wanted to guffaw out loud several times.

I drove mom home and lent her my car for today so she doesn't have to haul herself in and out of dad's truck and drive with a much harder to turn steering wheel. They'll get a rental car some time today, so I'm driving dad's truck. Power windows were invented for a reason people. Like the fact that opening a window manually really makes my boob and underarm protest!

The Royals lost again. Let's hope they get their act together after the All Star break this week. :P

I napped on the couch again last night for several hours. Tonight I need to catch up on some tv and read more comics and I'm like a week behind on updating AO3. I have two fullmoon ficlets now to put up there. Le Tour is on a rest day and no baseball obviously.

Mom's birthday is this Thursday but we're going out to dinner Friday as Thursday is the downtown sidewalk sale and parking is impossible. I'm going to have to squeeze in a quick shopping spree tomorrow before heading out to their place since Wednesday is my pedicure after work, today I have to take the truck back and go grocery shopping, and, again Thursday sidewalk sale and no a big no to that. I've avoided it like the plague for twenty five years at least.

I was reading a 'what's going to happen in season four of Walking Dead' article and the producers mentioned that Karen will be back and hinted her role would be expanding. Wonder what that means for Melissa on Teen Wolf.

Sad news about Cory Montieth. Glee won't be the same without Finn.

In just over two and a half weeks I'm cruising! Which means I desperately need to finish cleaning the house, which means I have to stop hurting as I can barely bend over. I have to clean my bedroom this weekend so the final weekend of July can be touch ups of the rest of the house. I also need to find someone to feed my cats--two teens I asked yesterday couldn't but the brother of one may be available.

Well, boss is here...

Yay, Amy's available to play The Climb for me to sing this Sunday. Probably should learn the darn thing!

movie babble, church, family stuff, stupid body

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