it could be worse

Jul 13, 2013 20:19

So, it started off well. Got a bunch of berries at market to make bread with over the next couple months (I take a loaf of fruit/nut bread to church once a month for snacks) and then mom and I went into KC to the Hallmark Christmas in July. We had a whole day of shopping planned, lunch out, etc. I needed white Keds to take on the cruise and they're cheaper at Shoe Carnival over Famous Footwear, so we went there next and I got those plus two others (of course). As we started across a major street to the mall (for bras at Lane Bryant), mom was turning left at a green light and a car turning left into the mall from the cross street crashed into us, drove right through the red light. His 1970 el Camino was hardly damaged.

Mom's two year old Lincoln, not so much.

We were lucky in several things. Mom was able to drive the car across to the mall entrance. The guy hung around and immediately got out and asked how we were and told us to call the cops (an older man, he had no phone!). There were two witnesses to say that he ran the red and they hung around. And he hit the car just in front of the driver's side tire. Any farther back and mom could have been seriously hurt because he was moving very fast (though she does have side airbags). We were both badly shaken and the seat belt grabbed me under the arm and across the boob and it's getting more and more sore (it's been about four and a half hours). I just hope it's a deep bruise and nothing's broken. I'm going to go get some ice for it in a minute because it's hard to breathe. My sternum is fine, though.

The cop (a woman) was very efficient--believed us and the witnesses--called a tow for us. The mall security was very friendly and helpful. One of the witnesses was on her way to work across the street and yet she called and told them she'd be late and stayed with us. The other witness must have been beside the guy so went straight, drove around the mall, and came back in. The cop stayed until the tow guy arrived and his lot was only about six blocks from the mall. The guy who hit us was very nice, very apologetic. His car, being made of metal and not plastic, was driveable. He'll get a ticket and have to appear in court, but does have insurance, thank god.

Also lucky: I left my keys at home so dad, who only has a two seat truck, got my car to come get us. Meanwhile, once the tow guy was there, mom and I walked into Barnes and Noble and rested for a bit and she stayed there while I went to Lane Bryant for bras. Dad had just arrived when I got back to B&N.

The car was weird--first mom couldn't get it to turn off! She pulled the key out and it still ran for about a minute. Finally it turned off, then a few minutes later, the engine made these weird clicking noises. Then the whole electrical system shut down. We discovered that only the driver's door and the truck can be opened with an actual key! Mom couldn't even turn on the hazard lights. It's a leased car, so if it can't be fixed, they'll just get a new one--they're were planning on that later this year anyway. The leftside front end is smushed and the hood was popped out of place. Luckily also no one was behind us to crash into us.

We'd already decided to go to Much Ado tomorrow as it's finally here in Lawrence (the original plan was to shop and then see it in KC today) so that's still in the plans. I have several more hours to write my sermonette on the courage of suffragettes for tomorrow.

First up, ice, though. And trying not to cough because OMG that hurts.

(The above was written about four hours ago. I have since iced and napped for three hours and I'm still very sore. It hurts to cough, bend over etc., definitely a muscle pull kind of pain. I have the heating pad on it now. I still have to write my sermon but I'm thinking tomorrow morning. Mom told me not to worry about baking the bread, though I'm doing laundry because I have no undies. Mom has a slight hitch in her side and has discovered her right hand hurts between the thumb and forefinger from grabbing the wheel--she has a chiropractor appointment Monday anyway and sees her doctor that day as well so can show them both the hand. Also, they'll get a rental car on Monday.)

real life stuff, owies

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