pretty lazy weekend

Jul 08, 2013 10:17

I don't even remember what I did on Friday besides write a slightly tardy fullmoon ficlet ficlet (which I haven't loaded on AO3 yet due to stuff below). Oh I finished catching up on DC comics, watched Le Tour, watched the Royals lose, probably watched some other tv. Made my lamb stew, right, did that. (It was yummy.)

Thursday was a bit odd since we didn't do fireworks or watch a movie or anything. After nummy brisket and corn on the cob, dad retired to the tv room and mom and I sat on the couches in the living room and played Angry Birds Star Wars on our phones/tablets for about an hour. *snort* It was still light when I went home.

The people down the street from me were doing fireworks. They must not know that the former chief of police lives like five doors up from them. Not that the police did much. They went out on over a hundred complaints; gave out one ticket. Laws that you don't enforce are pointless.

Saturday on the way back from market it started raining on us with the sun shining brightly. Very odd. I did get my cinnamon roll and had it as an afternoon snack and OMGSOGOOD.

I also vacuumed and swept the floors and furniture. Kind of had to since the AC guy finally called to schedule my maintenance check for this Friday which means he'll be briefly in the house and mom will be there. I need to clean the steps down to the garage and the laundry room tonight and the kitchen on Thursday night. I need to WD40 the outside lock to the front door because the key won't turn in it.

That night I organized all the Xbooks. I discovered I only had back to summer of 2009 mostly, better than I thought. That was about the time my obsession with Supernatural began. I first organized all the crossover events that had specific reading orders listed, along with accompanying mini-series, then did everything else chronologically.

(Boss here)

Okay...Sunday I blew off church and the movie, watched Le Tour, happy to see that Team Sky that dominated the first mountain stage on Saturday majorly struggled even though the guy in yellow stayed in yellow easily (he's the favorite, I'd hate to see the favorite win so early). The nearest rider to him is over a minute back, most contenders are two or three. Not good unless his team continues to struggle. Well, good for the British. *g* As a Yank, I have to root for Americans or American teams. There are shockingly only five (now four) Americans in the Le Tour but there are two (really three, but Radioshack is really Luxemburger) American teams. Garmin Sharp won the stage yesterday and Cadel Evans (for BMC) looked much better on day two of the mountains but he lost over three minutes the first day.

Today's a rest day and the Royals go to the Yankees. :P Hate those guys.

We keep getting close to 500 and then blowing it. *sigh* Won the Saturday game against Oakland but lost the Friday and Sunday games. Oh, but we did get two guys picked for the All Star Game! First time in like ten years that more than the obligatory one is going!!!! And they were players' selections which, frankly, means a hell of a lot more than the public vote which is a popularity contest for the big markets. Left Fielder, Golden Glover Alex Gordon and our catcher, Salvador Perez, who's only in his second year. And, with pitching injuries and rotation things (if you pitch too close to the ASG you can't pitch in it) we might get our closer, Greg Holland, selected as a fill in. First time a Royals catcher has gone since 1980 when it was Darrell Porter (who, by the way, Nurse Darry is named after *g*).

Teen Wolf tonight! And the season finales of Warehouse and Defiance. I hope to get more comics read. I read about 75 yesterday while watching sports. I'm nearly done with the Necrosha story line. The Xmen have settled on Utopia and Magneto's back. :) For those who don't know, I have loved him since one of the first Xbooks I read, Uncanny 148, when he felt remorse for nearly killing Kitty. One of the first anti-heroes/gray characters I ever loved, started a trend. Also he and Rogue together makes me very happy and I know that is coming (from flipping through books over the last couple years).

Well, office survived without me but I do have a lot of work. I had a pile I brought up for me to do on Friday already that's been added to. Only three weeks till major actually leaving town vacay, though. :)

lazy weekend, comic book blather, le tour, royals, work

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