winter is coming er back

Apr 11, 2013 11:24

Well, at least we didn't get the ice/freezing rain/crap that the middle of the state got yesterday but it's only like 40 degrees out. Had to drag out the winter coat and gloves again. Just ridiculous.

The Royals did play last night in the bitter cold and drizzle and won, sweeping the Twins. Last year they didn't sweep a series until June sometime, so, yay! I was at choir so missed most of the game. Our closer was Herrera this time and he did very well, after Chen relieved Davis, a new starter who pitched much better this time than his first start last week. This time last year we were in a twelve game losing streak that we never recovered from. This time, four wins in a row. :)

No game today. We start a home stand with Toronto tomorrow night.

As far as I know parents left for Chicago around six o'clock this morning. Mom didn't stay for choir but did stay for the show. Former tenor's barbershop quartet is in a regional competition next week and they performed their four numbers for us. Such brilliant, tight harmonies! Their tenor can sing higher than my mom! And their bass had a glorious voice. Our guy has always had the most beautiful second tenor. We miss him so much.

I watched Survivor. Getting interesting! Well actually this season has been pretty interesting. Obviously they're all trying to take Philip to the end because no one will vote for him, but god he's annoying. I actually like Cochrane this season. Dawn pisses me off for being a tattle tale.

Figure I'll catch up on some tv tonight as there's no baseball. I finally watched the last OUAT and am going to start catching up on Revolution--I stopped after about the fifth episode due to having to do the naughty for all of them.

I did actually write some yesterday. Posted another sad Stiles fullmoon_ficlet. He's like my Buffy--let's break him as much as possible and make him miserable. Also finished posting "Heartache" to AO3. There are three more interludes before "Shot In The Heart", so I'm going to post those the next three nights and start "Shot" on Sunday. It's interesting to see my writing slowing down (this was 1999) and also expanding. During the three plus week break between "Heartache" and "Shot", I started Divine Madness, The Existence, Zoe, and turned what would become Sin Wagon into a series.

Boss in KC with his car this morning. No clue when he'll be in. I've pretty much done all my work, including going to the post office and mailing something certified and buying stamps.

I'm thinking of going to see GI Joe this weekend and then 42 next weekend--mom might go with me for that one despite her lack of love of baseball. In going through the movies coming out this summer it seems to be yet another summer of remakes, sequels (which I don't really mind) and things I have no interest in. I really hope Joss' "Much Ado" comes here; other than that I'll be seeing a bunch of action/adventure/scifi sequels. I won't be going to whatever the new Colin Firth is with mom. Romantic/angsty comedy blech. She was all a-twitter, though. Though not tweeting. *g*

Church on Sunday is the service rescheduled from the snow day last month. Don't really care about the topic but teenager is singing "Landslide". I LOVE that song. I so wanted to volunteer to sing it when it was suggested, but I was already singing in the trio two weeks before this service was supposed to be held.

I need to weed out my subscriptions on AO3--I have over 200--and get rid of ones for fics that are done. I need to do some housecleaning this weekend for real, too. We'll see if that happens.

Okay, something semi-productive.

church, baseball, movies, stupid weather, writing

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