so that was fun

Feb 15, 2013 22:12

As usual, I was at my parents' this evening and about 8:30 my mom came out to the kitchen to tell me it was snowing like gangbusters.



The weather forecast this morning had mentioned snow showers possibly this afternoon but then it went away so I stopped paying attention. Mom and dad were watching tv and between segments of the show, the KC news showed images of blizzarding and it was Lawrence! By the time I got out of there--within five minutes--there was at least two inches of very wet, heavy snow on my car but the driveway was basically clear (it was in the 50s yesterday so not surprising pavement was warm). It was snowing very heavily and when I started down their lane, the pavement turned to gravel that was covered in snow, the grass was covered in snow, the snow was coming at me heavily and I could barely see. By the time I hit their street, I was tempted to turn around (the snow band looked like it would end by a little after nine anyway) but I persevered.

I drove about twenty miles an hour into blinding snow to Stull Road (yes, SPN fans, that Stull *g*) where I had to stop for a car to pass and my traction thingie on my car kicked in so I could turn thankfully, then I was very careful and slow going down the hill and sped up in order to get up the hill. Did not want to get stuck or slide.

Nerve wracking, but then I hit highway 40 and the snow began to slow and the pavement became less snowy and more slushy and wet and by the time I got to Lawrence I felt comfortable enough to stop at the grocery. When I came out the snow had stopped and the streets were basically just wet and I could drive at speed. The east facing sidewalks and driveways I passed were all free of snow. Naturally my north facing ones are snow packed but 1) it should all melt in the sun tomorrow even if it only gets to 40 degrees, and 2) Sunday it's going to be 59 so no need to shovel as we have 48 hours.

So, yeah, that was fun.

Mom and dad loved Zero Hour, too.:)

Mom and I are going to see Beautiful Creatures on Monday; due to meetings on Sunday, dad and I'll go to Die Hard next Sunday. I don't go anywhere on Saturdays due to basketball especially tomorrow with ESPN's Game Day here. :)

So, now I'm in my flannel pjs with socks and slippers on, watching DooL and wanting to smack Nick into a deep dark hole and hoping that my cute little boyz, Sonny and Will, are getting back together.


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