time moves way too fast

Dec 29, 2012 12:26

What is this bizarre header LJ is using?

*shakes head*

Been a lazy week off. Basically I've watched tv and lots of football and read tons of fanfic. Have written not one word. Considering I have both a thousand word fic and a sermon I have to finish before midnight tonight, probably should get on that, but I have written the children's story, opening and closing words and found a meditation for the service tomorrow and I have a lot of stuff to cobble together into a sermon.

I did manage to go through all four hundred and eighty or so open tabs on my laptop, dump a lot of them, read a lot of the fic, and I'm down to about a hundred and fifty.

I have not gone through fandom stockings yet either. *sigh*

I got both a great Yuletide fic--Darkover, what I've been asking for for three years and finally got!!! (Dyan backstory!)--and a treat for Gladiator which is a great character study of Commodus. Love my bad, broken boys, and got fics for two of them! As always, very few people have read either fic I wrote but the recipients both said very nice things and I think they don't suck, so I'm okay with that.

I did see the Hobbit and quite enjoyed it despite it obviously being "stretched"--not only my dad's comment but a colleague of his made the same one (he and his wife were there, too). Apparently a lot of people didn't realize this wasn't a complete movie? And they seemed very shocked that it's three.

I love Jackson's battle scenes; "Watson" was great as Bilbo; and not having read the book in well over thirty years, I pretty much forgot all the dwarf stuff and had no clue that "Sir Guy" had such a large role. Also a very nice singing voice.

Really, all I remember from the book was Bilbo and the Dragon in all the gold, and Gollum.

It was amusing that all five previews were things dad and I want to see (well, probably not Superman) as they were scifi movies and mom had zilch interest in any of them. Squeeed a lot at Star Trek. Also there were posters for Iron Man 3 and Wolverine, both this summer. Going to be a great movie summer again.

Mom and I are off to Les Mis tomorrow after church.

Other things I've done on staycation--got my blood test; also needed a urine test which no one told me I needed so, as I'd gone to the lab like an hour after getting up, I had to take it home and then return it; went to Target for post Christmas holiday wrapping and card sales; got a prescription refilled; snuck into work at 7:30 in the morning to draft the Order of Service for tomorrow; ate a lot less than I planned as I just have no appetite; have so far kept the blood sugar at reasonable levels; and continued to wait for the snow and ice to melt. It's supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow before it snows again on Monday so hopefully round one from ten days ago will finally disappear from the sidewalks and front steps in time for more to accumulate.

Apparently yesterday it snowed off and on lightly out at my parents all afternoon. Did nothing in town, but it's typically a degree or two warmer here.

I realized I didn't post about Christmas Eve service here--sent a message to friends instead. It was lovely, well attended, and my solo went over very well. I got no applause and our minister made a point to me that this was a very good thing. (We don't actually want applause during a religious service but the other music did get it which made me feel a bit bummed, especially since I managed to screw up the first line of the second verse though I righted it quickly enough--I sang it too fast, so I kept wondering if it was just horrible all throughout, if I was off key or rhythm or something). She said that she could see that people were really listening to the message of the lyrics, something she'd never done either until I started singing this carol at the Fellowship. She'd never really liked it before hearing my version. So that made me feel good. :)

I can't believe staycation is nearly over. It's been a week! Back to work on Wednesday (well, after an hour or so on Monday for payroll and deposits). :( Only a few weeks, though, until another day off for MLK and then a month till one for President's Day, and then I'm taking the two days off at the start of the NCAA tournie in March.

So far the Big 12 is 2-0 in bowl games. We have two tonight as well as KU playing American in basketball, so I need to get the fic done before seven and the sermon worked on.

Probably should have lunch first, though not really hungry...

yuletide, church, reading fanfic is an obsession, movies, staycation, football, writing

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