monday morning wrap up

Oct 29, 2012 09:40

So I posted my vampire big bang and LJ decided to stop sending me comments. :P

Saturday mom came over in the morning and we did more house cleaning. We'd started that the weekend before my surgery and said surgery threw off finishing (also laziness and desire to read Teen Wolf fanfic).

By Saturday night I got all done but scrubbing the kitchen floor. Well, all the public areas of the house. Go me. Also discovered that vinegar water on wood floors will cut right through stuck on cat hairballs whereas Mr. Clean won't. You're supposed to use vinegar water on hard wood floors anyway.

Since KU was playing Texas at 11:00 and mom was there till 1:00, I recorded it and I'm glad I did. Yes, we lost, but we lost in the last minute after leading or being tied the whole game! (I had the Mizzu game on for background noise, and muted it during half time and mom made sure I turned away during our mention and I wondered why she kept staring at the tv--we were up 14-7!) There is hope there. We need a kicker, desperately, and there are still issues at QB but OMG our defensive line and one successful goal line stand and one just barely not, and our running backs, oh our running backs. :) Really, we lost because we were on the 7 and there was a bad snap that flew over the QB's head by about 20 yards and we would have scored a TD and didn't get anything (because of said sucky kicker--he did get a 19 yard FG, but then I could probably kick a 19 yard FG--okay I couldn't, but any junior high kicker could).

Anyway massive hopes. I think we have a chance of beating ISU, especially since the game is here and we're much tougher at home.

There are no massive hopes for the KC Chiefs who completely suck at pretty much every aspect of the game EXCEPT their two kickers.

Sunday was Day of the Dead service at church which was very nice. I was kind of zen (or tired). We had an expanded choir with a harpist and sang two numbers.

Then nursedarry arrived for the week with kidlets (and husband and mother) and we headed off to the pumpkin patch which has existed for god knows how many decades (I went to school with a couple of the now grandkids of the owners who now have kids of their own helping run the place) and I've never gone. It was a gorgeous day--50s, little wind, not a cloud in the sunny sky--unlike the couple days before with 40s and high winds. Everyone in the county decided to go to the pumpkin patch. We were there for about two hours--lots of stuff for kids to do--and now I have two pumpkins sitting in my garage waiting for Wednesday to carve.

After I got home, I dozed on the couch and watched the aforementioned Chiefs suck.

Then met Dar et al at Chili's for dinner. I was very good and had the light grilled chicken sandwich with broccoli and discarded the bun.

I'm so far under my daily WW points each day it's bizarre. Yesterday, even with a late night sugar free ice cream bar, I was 12 points under! I'm just not hungry.

I'm usually hungry enough to have a bowl of cereal or a WW breakfast sandwich for breakfast. Then I eat a banana mid-morning but I'm rarely hungry for it. Lunch is a tv dinner and a lettuce salad with low fat dressing (half the serving size because I don't understand the need to drench a salad). I have to force myself to eat a yogurt late afternoon which rarely sets well with my stomach but I'm supposed to eat one every day and I tend to stick with the low carb ones. Dinner is either another tv dinner and veggies or fish/chicken with whole grain something (had farro the other night, actually liked it) and veggies. Rarely do I get hungry for a late night snack (last night probably because I only had chicken and a veggie for dinner).

The last time I did WW, I added a piece of WW string cheese and sometimes carrots to lunch, had a 100 calorie snack pack or WW cookie early afternoon, often had a couple pieces of WW chocolate candy after dinner, and always had a late night snack.

It's weird not to feel hungry or feel like eating (or feel nauseous which is annoying but not every day anymore at least).

I'm a little bit behind on tv--two Walking Dead, three Gossip Girls, final Alphas, both American Horror Stories, one Fringe, and even last week's SPN--but really enjoyed this past week's CSI (one of the best ever, imo), Last Resort, Vampire Diaries (another excellent ep--turning Elena may have been the best thing this show has done), Once Upon A Time, Arrow, Haven, others.

Oh, and speaking of Arrow, if you read ahead in TV Guides (or dvr listings), I was so right on what I saw in the first ep on that island. *VBG*

Well, just got several evictions faxed over so probably should do those since I'm taking off work Wed and Thur.

And I really need to finish my IWRY fic (which I failed to bring to work) which, unfortunately means, I need to finish the one before that which is Lucifer/Buffy. The IWRY fic is due on Wed. The mod posts so there's no way for me to gauge when I need to have the prequel done. I thought about combining them but there's enough Lucifer/Buffy in the IWRY fic and I really don't want to tick off Buffy/Angel lovers by making their ficathon be like half Buffy doing a fallen angel. *g* But I have been warning my few loyal readers for the last couple years that was coming. I love the way I've developed my Lucifer and his interest in Buffy (and hers in him) way too much to keep ignoring it.

Also, KU basketball starts tomorrow night (preseason). Winning is so nice. *g*

Everyone on the East Coast, stay safe, dry and warm! The tracking right now shows Sandy will hit land at Baltimore. Those in the area (and I do know a couple here!) please stay at home or evacuate when told. ::Hugs::

In related news, my godson (from England) got all excited by seeing a slight dust devil at the pumpkin patch and wants to see a tornado. His mother and I, both Kansas gals, tried to disabuse him of this idea.

Boys, really. *g*

halloween, godson, writing, dieting, stupid weather, football, friends, tv blather, cleaning is the devil's work, stupid body

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