meme and lengthy explanation of my name

Feb 23, 2011 23:56

What American accent do you have?
Created by Xavier on

Western. Like Midland, Western is another accent that people consider neutral. So, you might not actually be from the Western half of the country, but you definitely sound like it.

And if you're not from the West, you are probably one of the following:
(a) A Pittsburgher - the quiz can't tell the difference;
(b) Someone from Canada (probably southern Ontario) who doesn't have a Canadian accent;
(c) Someone from northern New England who doesn't have a New England accent; or
(d) Someone from Texas or the Heartland who was born after 1980.
You are definitely not from New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Detroit, the Deep South, etc.

Take this quiz now - it's easy!

Pretty much all my answers were "same" except for two or three. A couple more of those that were different are actually my forcing myself to change the way I spoke certain words when I was a kid. My nana once mentioned that I said "roof" like "ruth", unlike her. I consciously changed the way I said it to the point that I now sound like someone from Indiana. I changed pen and pin, too, for some reason.

This also led to the whole Laura/Lara/Lora issue. By most native Kansans my name is pronounced Lora like "ore". I have never liked that name. Laura is virtually impossible to pronounce correctly by people around here who haven't lived elsewhere. One of my best friends as a kid had parents from Utah and she could say it correctly, as could my parents from Indiana, but even I sometimes can't say it right which is why at sixteen I dropped the 'u' and went with Lara rhymes with "car".

And now I'm sure I've bored you all. *g*

It was 62 degrees when I left work. I had to roll down the window.

It's going to freezing rain/snow crap all day tomorrow.


That was sarcasm.

meme, stupid weather

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