snowmageddon averted

Jan 11, 2011 10:40

Back at work. Not enough snow or drifting to justify staying home. *sigh* It is bitterly cold, though.

Yesterday I got home around 1:00 and put on my new snow boots and used my new shovel/plow on wheels (a godsend, no lifting!) and got the driveway between the tire treads and the sidewalks cleared enough. Perfect timing as both neighbors were snowblowing and they did part of the sidewalk from either side. I have a lot and a half and that's a long ass sidewalk. The plow didn't work as well on the sidewalks because of rocks and plantings and stuff along the edges. I think it will work perfectly with 2-3 inches but the 4+ was a bit hard to move. Still, only took about a half hour. :)

Then I ate lunch, watched a bit of tv and slept till after seven.


Still haven't written a word.

It only snowed about another inch and didn't drift in town so I had no trouble getting out of my driveway. It helped that they hadn't plowed so no pile of ice at the end of the driveway. I'm sure they'll do it today and I'll have to park on the street and go get the shovel. :P The street is so packed down it's perfectly driveable so I wish they wouldn't plow.

I drove carefully to work (the worst being Mass where they'd plowed yesterday morning and then not again so the inch or so more of snow we got made intersections a bit tricky) to find they'd plowed the parking lot including my space--last year my car was parked there when they plowed so it took weeks to melt. The worst part was climbing through the plowed up ice/snow in front of the steps to climb to the sidewalk in front of work. Also the bitter cold wind blowing in my face as I crossed the street wasn't nice.

Maintenance has been out snow blowing the sidewalks. Boss called to say his lane drifted shut and he probably won't be in so maybe I'll get some writing done this afternoon. Other lawyer emailed to say that his county lane (boss to the north, other lawyer to the south) is a luge track but he'll try to be in this afternoon. The county does an excellent job on plowing but they don't do private lanes and drives. As far as I know, my parents aren't going anywhere until mom comes to pick me up for choir practice tonight in the 4-wheel drive truck. They have a long hilly driveway.

As it's only supposed to be 19 today I left the water running in the kitchen sink. Tonight it's supposed to get to minus two. *brrrr* I wonder if the cold is why Elektra insisted on sleeping on top of me all night. Every time I tried to turn over, she went with me. I didn't sleep well with her a weight on my hip and legs. Usually she sleeps beside me. Raine sometimes sleeps on my shoulder but she weighs nothing so I barely notice her.

Okay, actually have some work I should do in case the boss makes it in...

snowmageddon, work, stupid weather

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