blahhy day

Dec 20, 2010 15:36

I can't believe the snow England is getting! I've been there at this time of year--cold but not a lick of snow in London. Heck, not even in the lowlands of Scotland that year. All of you over there, stay warm and safe!

*wonders if mail is down, too*


As I'm avoiding making a zillion copies and going to court, in between emailing the Ho's, I'm doing this Fandom meme.

1. Your main fandom of the year: Supernatural--should be obvious by now.

2. Your favorite Film this year: Hm...didn't see that many. Even though it came out in 2009, I didn't see Sherlock Holmes until January, so I guess that. HP 7.1 felt too unfinished to be a fave. Red was also very good.

3. Your favorite Book read this year: the latest Pendergast novel.

4. Your favorite Album or Song this year: I can't think of an album that I bought this year. I got a couple for my birthday but they weren't new releases. Listening to the radio, I couldn't tell you if something was a new song or not.

5. Your favorite TV Show this year: Supernatural

6. Your favorite LJ Community this year: spnnewsletter

7. Your best new Fandom Discovery of the Year? Gabriel/Sam

8. Your biggest Fandom Disappointment of the Year? That Gabriel DIED! *whimpers bring him back whimpers*

9. Your fandom Boyfriend of the year: Gabriel

10. Your fandom Girlfriend of the year: Astrid from Fringe. I adore her, wanna cuddle her.

11. Your biggest Squee moment of the year? Oh probably that Armageddon took place ten miles from my house.

12. Your most Missed Old Fandom? I haven't really left any completely (or were actually active outside of writing fanfic in most of them). Maybe Veronica Mars? I used to write VM fic. Roswell, too.

13. Your Fandom that you haven't Tried Yet, but want to? I've been reading a lot of Stargate fic but haven't tried my hand yet.

12. Your Biggest Anticipations of the New Year? Gabriel comes back? *hopes hopes*

Didn't make it to court...


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