i miss joyce--random

Dec 20, 2010 09:52

Five days till Christmas and I'm nowhere near ready. It would help if I'd quit falling asleep on the couch. Missed most of the Chiefs game (though was awake for the fourth quarter and obviously we can't win without Cassel, which I never would have said last year) and was up frosting sugar cookies at midnight.

I did get all my cards addressed while watching Survivor--very happy with the result--and finished packaging everything up to mail.

Finally heard that my brother is sending us presents. They should be here Wednesday so I'll be wrapping more presents before the late night KU game. Tonight I want to get all the bowing and ribboning done on the ones I have. I need to watch Leverage, too.

And bake more bread.

And finally decorate the front bathroom.


Do we really care what celebrities think about the repeal of DADT? Apparently tvguide.com does. Of course I'm thrilled.

Saturday morning was brunch at indiefic's which was yummy and fun, then I went home and started the playback of the KU game. Had to put it on pause as I was dozing off, then slept for two hours.

Part of the problem is that the stupid three week cold is still going strong and has moved back into my head. Yesterday I was incredibly stuffed up and dripping and sneezing and still coughing up gunk from my throat. Just lovely.

This morning I got to the post office before it opened and was second in line. The guy in front of me must have been mailing something to the moon because it took ten minutes and the lady behind me was bitching up a storm. Yes, they only have one counter clerk at that time of day (though there was a second one going by twenty minutes after opening) but it's the busiest mail day of the year. And all you wanted was stamps! Go to the freaking grocery store and buy them at the check out line!

I wasn't happy that the new guy/fill in guy made me step aside to fill out my customs forms. I could have easily done that while he was mailing the other twenty packages that didn't need them. That made me late to work by a couple of minutes which meant I spent over thirty minutes in the post office. Still, much better than it would have been this afternoon!

I still have a few tardy birthday presents to mail and then I'm done.

Need to stamp my cards.

This post is all over the place...

gno, holiday decorating, sports, holiday baking

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