Thursday, First Week of Lent, John 3:16-21, Light and Dark

Mar 02, 2007 00:37

The text that I have read today is John 3:16-21. In it Jesus says that “light” has come into the world, but that people loved the darkness more than the light because their works were evil. What Jesus longs for is that people “do truth.” This is done by doing what is right, by greeting your neighbour and by being grateful for the life that is given, by walking next to God. One who “does truth” is worthy the light. This means that his or her works may be revealed, because they have been done in the name of God.

Since I think we all do both evil and good works, I have drawn two cards today.

Card 1. What are my evil works, which I want to hide and which are not worthy of the light?
Card 2. How am I “doing truth”, what are my works that may be revealed because they are truthful, done while walking beside God.

I’ve used the Fantastic Menagerie Tarot today to pull my cards from.

For card 1, my works that are not worth the light, I have picked Four of Swords, a card of rest. If rests are is too long, they lead to stagnation and boredom. For me rest can be difficult sometimes, for I tend to get worrisome and depressive then. But, to be honest I need a rest badly, so this card is difficult to explain in the here and now.

For card 2, my works that may be revealed because they are truthful, I have pulled the Queen of Cups. This card shows me. In this version of the Queen of Cups the queen on the card is a woman who “is happiest when she expresses her feelings and creativity in meaningful work.” (From the book with the deck.) This describes me when developing spreads, texts and lessons for everybody who attends my classes. I like doing that very much, but often I feel myself being at the margin of society by my work in tarot, for I am working really hard for it, without earning a real living. Now I feel rewarded for it. I am happy that this work is seen as work in truth, that I do this walking next to God.

Schedule of texts: Dienstboek, Zoetermeer, 1998.

religious question, john, four of swords, fantastic menagerie tarot, queen of cups, lent 2007

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