Today I moved from my bed to the computer at the times my husband was not sitting there writing his sermon, and back to my bed again. I am still not well. Of course this limited time for me behind the computer is annoying, but in fact very good, because I must not type too long.
I have written a letter of application for a job within the movement of the Dominicans for a day in the week. It was a sort of going back to the past, writing that letter, because I have worked for a time in an
ecumenical church in Amsterdam which began as an experiment by the Dominicans. I participed in a group there that was responsible for the liturgy and the sermons each week. Every Thursday afternoon we came together in a grand room with 6 or 7 people and sat round a big wooden table, while Dominican priests in black and white were looking down to us from pictures on the wall. Dominicans are preachers. The most important thing we did in these meetings is commenting on the sermon that was to be held next Sunday. You had to read it aloud and then it was evaluated: the exegesis, the application, and the political views that were uttered, everything was scrutinized. Often I have rewritten my whole sermon afterwards. It was a great place to learn to deal with criticism, but it was not easy. I had to stop back then because I could not type anymore. They still do it this way, it keeps the standards high. Whenever I am in Amsterdam I go to their service. The liturgy is very nice, and the choir excellent.
It was a sort of going back, but I must say, I realized that I am doing the same sort of thing as I did at that time: find new ways (and my own ways) to relate to tradition, that was and is an important feature of that parish. Somewhere this year the Apostolicum was a subject and this spring they have explored Maria in several services.
Ohhh, those foremothers, I have not forgotten them.