This week is the Jewish festival Sukkot. The most important feature of this festival is that “Sukkah’s”, are build, temporary homes to remember the days the Israelites wandered in the desert. One of the traditions of this festival is that seven forefathers are invited in the Sukkah, Earlier all biblical male figures, nowadays also female figures, foremothers. Their pictures are hung on the walls of the Sukkah. You can read more about Sukkot in the entry of
October 6.
This week my blog is a virtual Sukkah. Each day I invite one of the seven foremothers in my blog to teach me something. Today I invite the last of them: Esther. Her place on the Tree of Life is Malkuth, (Kingdom), which is the place where we live, the earth. This sphere is a receptacle for all the other spheres. Every sphere is important, but this one is very. Here all comes to manifestation.
Who is Esther, the foremother of today? Esther is the wife of a gentile king. He does not know Esther is Jewish. Esther saves her people by warning the king that there was a plot by the prime minister to kill all the Jews, thereby revealing that she herself is Jewish. Warning the king meant that her own life was at risk too. Again a brave woman!
What does Esther teach me today? The card I received as an answer to that question is: Page of Pentacles from the Tarot of 78 Doors. Depicted is a jester-like figure knocking on a carved door, carrying a present behind his back: The Page of Pentactles
Immediately I knew to which the card referred to. “Esther would do it”, I thought, looking at the page knocking on this door. The whole week I am pondering if I should apply for a job I have seen on the internet. I would love the job. It involves planning courses in a Christian centre of study. Still I hesitated about it for the whole week. You see, they asked for a catholic, and I am a protestant, but more important, I bring this tarot-thing with me, well not really, I will not use in it there, but still, I am associated with that. I know many people are afraid of tarot, or against it, and it is important that people feel safe with me in this job. Therefore I hesitated to write my letter.
The Page of Pentacles is a figure who studies and explores new things in an earthy way. That is what I did today. I knocked on that big cloister-door on the card, and called to enquire how they felt about me applying for that job. They told me that there would certainly be discussion, people do feel in different ways about the tarot there, but I could apply. I write my letter tomorrow. Esther encouraged me to pick up my courage and call. That is what she teached me today.
It would be lovely to lay out all the cards that I have pulled this week in order to see them as a whole, but I have got the flue, and I am quite feverish.