Sep 20, 2006 17:57
whoo.... let's see if i remember how to be a multitasking lunatic like i was in college. Classes in Brookline start next week, and Comic Art is for sure running... i can only hope Perspective crashes so i don't have to teach that one too-- i won't find out about Kitchen Planning for a while, but OY. 3 jobs? wish me luck.
BUT-- perhaps i'll be finishing my MFA soon! the Art Institue of Boston has a low-residency program, and HOPEFULLY an open enough program to let me do seq art via Illustration... Kitchen has renewed my interest in this idea, since she's applying. I looked at AIB before i looked at SCAD, but back then i was working full time and had no way to do work on the side... so we'll apply, and see what happens. it'd be great to take the Erin project and make it into one of my projects...
aight. must go research Perspectve drawing, as i may have to teach the damn thing in a week. *sigh*