Jan 25, 2015 12:01
Yesterday I had to go early into town to do a few things, one of which was emergency shoe-shopping. I find shoes boring, and shoe-shopping even worse, so I tend to have a single pair of everyday, everything shoes. A few days ago, my current everything shoes fell apart in several dramatic and simultaneous ways. Even a prop-wrangler seeking a costume for a tramp would have rejected them as being too tatty. So yesterday, off to the shoe shop I went. I decided to buy two pairs of everything shoes, to reduce the risk of similar future emergencies. Only then did I realise that although the entire point of the shopping trip was buying shoes, and although I'd chosen this particular shop because I could get a 10% discount in it, I'd forgotten to bring the discount voucher with me. "Oh well," thought I. "It's not much of a diversion to pop in on the way home from our walk this afternoon. I've done the hard work of choosing them. I'll just pop in then and buy them." I then went home, where the plan was to have a quick cup of tea, then head out by 10.30 on a long walk. However, Pellinor had to finish off a few things on the computer first, so we ended up leaving 20 minutes later than planned.
During that 20 minutes, in came in email from the shoe shop: a shop that, to my knowledge, has never emailed before, and had no way of knowing that I had visited that morning. It included a voucher code for 30% off all purchases this weekend. Had I remembered the voucher, I would have bought the shoes in the morning with only 10% off. Had we left at the intended time, I would have bought the shoes in the afternoon with only 10% off.
From this I have concluded that forgetfulness, tardiness, laziness and general incompetence are rewarded. That's nice to know. :-D