
Sep 21, 2011 19:30

I appear to be leaning toward a more and more non-existent f-list, but with redoing other things, I'm clearing out a few names who haven't posted in a while or who I suspect won't much miss me due to a lack of actual interaction for some time. My apologies if I was the one who first approached you and we did share some particular and slightly rarer interest in common. I'll be more available on Dreamwidth once I get around there more properly. Possibly even soon-ish now, with the shifts at this end.

The journal remains in a state of slight lockdown due to LJ's moves a year ago in early September, and will eventually start operating more from the Dreamwidth side, as said before. If you need to reach me, please use the LJ Inbox for any commentary or contacts.

I appreciate whatever insights I've gained from you over whatever time reading your sides, and have nothing against anyone cut, and am of two minds of some people to drop, so if you absolutely do want back or to keep in touch, please let me know.

Some of you I have listed on Facebook, so while I'm more rarely there, dropping me a private line in the Inbox there will be brought to my attention. If you'd rather interact with me on Facebook, please drop me a line with your name and link in the Inbox here and I'll see about adding you, proviso this place never gets brought up with the mundanes.

My apologies if the timing seems bad with some of your car related accidents and more, too, but I do tend to fail at wishing people well even in such instances. I do or have read though, and hope there are no further complications or troubles from it at least. You post a lot and I read the non-fic posts, but fear am more of a distant person even so, due to not making the effort to get closer or more personal. I really do wish you well, and you know how it is with a lot of the ppl friending your LJ, anyway, so maybe we'll see each other again sometime still, if you don't give me a nudge back sooner than that.

Auntie_maim's posts were always considered interesting or full of spirit or zeal, but even with my gentle making fun of whatever I look at, you'd do it more so with some of the recent posts, so you probably got dropped finally after the years. Keep the Dreadnok flag high, if nothing else. Not that you cared anymore, anyway, but hi, anyway. *shrug*

I don't know if _houdinilogic_ is around anymore, so my apologies if dropping such an old-time lumos_sorting head cuts another tie I should try to hold onto for future's sakes. I trust I'll see you in westerosorting if you become more active some time again, and wish you well otherwise if not. With much agonising over letting go of people chatted to back in the day and all.

angelislington, if I cut you off the list, please don't be an entire stranger on Fbook at least then, or let me know if you return to LJ for more of your posts in this more proper of a format. Especially the former should we ever get a chance to meet again, too.

As to some others, if I had a chance to see more of the Professionals, or the non-movie version of Wild Wild West, or got back to Poltergeist- the Legacy, I'd obviously have more to talk about in some directions, too. Or even the H.G. Wellses or whatever. Lost features in other directions, and other things, but the gaps grow and contact becomes scarce.

a_stone_angel, please confirm if you're still alive or around sometime, and message me about that DW invite, like I said sometime, I think. I'd appreciate seeing your posts on the f-list again, even routed here via that site.

galaxynumber5, should we have Fbook or other type of contact just in case I get back to the UK sometime, or whatever?

Everybody else (and the above, of course), be well, and I'll see you sometime, maybe.
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