Mar 01, 2010 13:21
Well, it's time for a quick LC update, since I am awaiting Boss Man at Job 1.
We went back in January for a blood check and his kidney levels had gone up to 2.9 on the creatine levels. Definitely a step in the wrong direction.
So, we switched foods again and put him on the Hills K/D formula. That worked for about 5 days before the nausea returned full force. (Did I mention that he's a finicky pain in the butt & turns his nose up at the fresh baked food I specifically make for him? :-p)
We added in Fomatadine 1/4 tablet 2x day for nausea and that worked for like 5 days before the nausea came back once again.
Another vet trip on Monday Feb. 15, resulted in us now doing 200 mL sub-cutaneous fluid treatments 3x/week. That worked for like a week until we went back on the 22nd for his 3rd blood check then he got violently ill for like 2 days straight which has tapered off now to like 1 or 2 times daily. (I can't wait for spring to get here - I so need to clean the carpets!)
However, the Sub-Q treatments seem to have helped - his kidney levels are now at 2.4 just at the top end of the normal range.
My regular vet didn't know of what else to try and said that it might be something I have to deal with. Not taking that as an answer, I went ahead and made the holistic vet appointment. I made a deposit of $98 and we are going in on Thursday to go see that vet and pay at least another $98 for the visit, plus whatever supplements/food they recommend.
Of course, the vet freaked when she thought I was going to take him off the sub-q treatments. I assured her that that was not my intention - because the fluids are working better than the benzapril seemed to.
The downside is that this vet is close to an hour drive away from me, and LC hates car rides with a passion - he meows almost the whole time.
Keep your fingers crossed for LC! He's been with me for too long now for me to just give up on him so easily.
Besides, he's doing pretty good altogether - he's gotten more "adventurous" in his attempts to get at me when I'm either sitting on the couch or kitchen table. Saturday night it was climb up to the back of the couch, walk over until he was parallel with my right arm and then, use my arm as a bridge for his front paws. *lol* I couldn't type with him on me like that.
Oh well, time to go file away the stack of catalogs that have been coming in and get some bids typed up.