May 02, 2008 16:54
I found 2 places closer to home to start practicing now. No more of this 45 mile commute into Brentwood.
The first is the counselor lady who's looking to do a whole holistic approach to like mental health. She's taking the upper floor of the house for her counseling practice and I will be sharing like the middle or back "bedroom" (there were 3 bedrooms on the main floor of the house) with a gal who does reflexology work for starters. This is a labor for rent exchange - cleaning the house, computer work, helping set up the network, cleaning the basement out so it can be used for a small yoga studio.
The second place is a chiropractor in Pacific - it's a 65/35 split in my favor, and they are going to do advertising for me! They are a husband and wife team - with the wife being the priimary chiro and holistic doc and were just absolutely wonderful. They work later on like Mondays and Wednesdays simply because of the commuter traffic - being in Pacific, they don't really get busy until later afternoon, post rush hour. They are literally right on the main drag (like most everything in Pacific) and have plenty of parking available. I have 2 built in clients there already with them - the hubby even said he'd be willing to pay me to work on him weekly! They said that I could borrow their washer & dryer in the basement to wash my sheets, so I won't have to worry about hauling them home from there to wash.
So, all in all, I think this will be a good switch off - no more 45 mile drive of like an hour each way and coming into the chiro office where they are willing to do advertising for me is just wonderful. I just need to redo all my fliers now to reflect the change in location.
The chiro was trying to discourage doing out calls and I'm like, "Oh yeah. I don't want to do out calls. It's too much time and effort and for me to do an out call in the region, folks particularly wouldn't want to pay what I would charge - like $100 because it wouldn't be "local" and the gas it would take would be just too much." Because, I really, really, really don't want to have to haul my table around!
In the end, it's a good thing I bought a second table - one will stay at the chiro office and the other will be put to use at the Embracing Change location here in town. :)
My chair will go on the road with me - I will take that to health fairs and the like to do chair massage there. Also, will need to find out when the Pacific and Washington Relays For Life are taking place so I can again, set up either table or chair there to look for victims er, ehm, clients. ;)
work bable