Oh, the drama! Drama Llama time! :-p

Aug 14, 2012 12:41

So, it appears the new MT at the Pink Place, S, is a drama king.  He was going on that he didn't want to do massages w T since it was "illegal" (she's grandfathered in for massage, since she's been at this before the state licensed massage) and he didn't want to lose his license by working with her.  To which T said, "Fine. I don't want to do massages anyway!"

Then, he said that he was going to talk to Crazy Boss Lady about the sanitation and the floors.  Saying that the state could shut us down because the floors look like shit.  Uhm, no...  the state doesn't give a rat's ass about the floors - as long as they are swept, vacuumed &/or mopped occasionally, they could be chipped to all hell and back (like our *painted white cement floors* are) and the state won't say a thing about them.

Tuesday morning rolls around and he's apparently been waiting for a couple of hours for Boss Lady to show up and talk to her about this.  Good luck with that dude.  Seriously.  :-p

I've been there almost a year now and she's yet to do a damn thing with the floors - just like she hasn't expanded the one pedicure area that she said she was going to.  I sent her an email months ago, saying how clients were complaining about the floor and she blew me off.  Her response was, "Oh, I've been meaning to buy rugs for the rooms..."  and "Well, it was only ONE person who complained on Yelp..."

Yes, was one person who put up a review on Yelp that said the place looked bad and yes, we ALL have been telling her this but she doesn't care.  She won't invest back into the business.  She couldn't buy a new nail crock pot for the nail techs to have hot water for the pedi & mani bowls the other week since she had to buy all waxing supplies....  Uhm, WTF?  Go to Big Lots, lady!  They have crock pots for $17!!!  That's nothing when you charge $75 for an hour pedi and your nail techs only get 35% of that.  *rolls eyes*

Esthie B is getting the short end of the stick because Boss Lady told her one thing and then didn't bother to carry through and make sure her front desk staff knows this.  She's not been getting hardly any services since K came back (and no, it's not K's fault - she's not the one doing this) and finally went up to Princess K and complained Saturday because when K came back, she was told that she'd be doing more nail work when B was on because all B is licensed for is esthetics.  Well, Princess K's response was, "Well, *I* wasn't told that..."

So, she was going to go look for another job where she could actually make *some* money, not like *no* money as she's been getting shorted at the pink place.

Preggers MT A is making noises once again that she wants to quit.  To which I'm saying, "Go!  Quit!  You are so full of BS anyway that I don't think you're capable of telling the truth!" :-p  She tells one person that she's quitting end of September and moving to LA, another that it's December.  Has she *ever* shown *any* pics of this supposed fiancee?  Ever shown pics of her engagement ring?  I don't think I've ever heard the guy's name.  All she talks about is how she's preggers and how her daughter keeps saying she's fat.  She hasn't had an ultrasound yet, saying that she's not due to have one until *next month.*  Seriously?  She should have had at least 2 by now, according to other coworker K, if she's going on 5 months now.

Man, this got long winded!  But, well, so much drama...  I think that Boss Lady purposely hires dramatic people just so we can all fight with each other and not her, not to gang up on her.  (That's why I think she won't have meetings with us - she's afraid we'll all tell her what's wrong with the place and ask her why she won't fix it. :-p)

drama, work suckage

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