So, I'm sure you all have seen the news about a
Sci-Fi themed cat house opening up in Nevada and my goal this year is to grow my private practice in
Westport Plaza into a full service salon and spa, since there is a real need for something like that in the plaza because there is nothing right there for the hotel guests. (Not to mention, all the residences right around the plaza either!)
I've given this some thought and already have been thinking how I would decorate at least 3 of the treatment rooms. One would be a blue/green theme - very serene and crystal decorations - for the Minbar homeworld from B5. Another would be your reds/sand color - much warmer tones & decorations for your more desert like cultures - i.e. the Narn from B5 again. Last but not least, the third room would be deep purple, more of an eggplant color - royal, pompous - just like the Centauri (Londo Mollari!) all think that they're the top people and such.
The reception area would be Star Trek-ish, I'm thinking - curved like the bridge on Next Gen's Enterprise. (NCC-1701D & E, yes? :-p) The hair salon area would again, be a neutral tone again for the stylists to do true color matches when they're doing hair color and yes, it will be brightly lit! Because you need to see what the hell you're doing when you're mixing colors and such.
I'm thinking steam punk quite possibly for the pedicure area - like brass tones, antique looking and cog wheels.
I want everyone who works there to really be part of a team, to understand that the more effort we put into this, the more we all get out of it and to have an advertising and equipment fund that everyone contributes to, because who knows when you'll want to do a big advertising campaign to advertise new services/products or have to replace a broken steamer, or have the washer or dryer break down. Plus, I want them to make at least 50% commission - not the measly 35% that I get paid at the place in Des Peres.
If we carry clothing, make it something that's more reasonably priced for one, and two, not so freaking fugly! I'd post the website, but I don't want the crazy owner to know what my ideas are. She has no idea that I want to jump ship this year and to take some of her staff with me (I know at least one of the nail techs would come with me and quite possibly one of the estheticians/nail techs.)
So now, comes the hard part - getting the business plan written up and finding investors! I guess I'm going to have to seriously start networking with the local chamber, BWM & BNI chapters.
Seriously, this is my huge goal for 2012. I want to get this done and I already have an architect who's willing to trade services with me to design something for me. Now, it's just getting the ball rolling and I need help there! :)