FIC: Bats, Cats, and Luthors (6/6)

Aug 20, 2009 21:03

Title: Bats, Cats, and Luthors (5/6)
Pairing: Brex/BatCat
Rating: (eventually) NC-17
Summary: Batman happens upon a cat burglar in his city who is much more than she seems. Can Batman handle the Catwoman?
AU, Adventure, Romance, Warning: ( skip or highlight) eventually attempted rape, incest

Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart Five

Part Six

"Ugh," Lex grumbled as he began to awaken. His head was ringing, and he was sore in so many places. He tried to move and noticed something soft and squishy behind him. He opened his eyes, and of course it was Isis. Bruce's arms were wrapped around him on the other side, and Lex took a moment to smile at Bruce's face, lit up by the morning light.

Bruce took a deeper breaht in his sleep and his eyes opened and closed slowly a couple of times. "Uhhh..."

"Wake up," Lex whispered, giving Bruce's forehead a kiss. "It's a beautiful day."

"Nooooo," groaned Bruce, closing his eyes tightly. "I'm nocturnal."

"Just like the rest of the bats and the cats," Lex replied with a chuckle. He wrapped his arms around Bruce and snuggled next to him, closing his eyes again. They popped open after a moment, and he frowned at Bruce.

Bruce looked up at Lex. "What?" he asked, hugging Lex's waist.

"We had sex," Lex said, as though discovering the fact. "We had... really good sex."

"Uh. Yes, we did." Bruce's right hand ran down Lex's back and settled on his left buttock. "You were quite aroused last night."

"I guess I was." Lex touched his head and sighed. "That was good while it lasted. Hangovers are a bitch, though. You think Alfred would bring me some more painkillers?"

"I have some." Bruce move away and got up to get Lex the pills and glass of water Alfred had left on the nightstand for him. "Here you go."

Lex pushed himself up and knocked back the pills. "I'm glad I remember, though."

"Apart from the headache, how do you feel?"

"The old aches are there, and the ache that tells me what a big boy you are. Other than that, I feel okay," Lex said, lifting Isis into his lap.

"Oh. Sorry. You didn't want lube." Bruce wasn't sure what to do, so he headed for the bathroom to shower and shave.

Lex finished his water and lay in the bed a moment longer, rubbing the back of his neck. Perhaps two nocturnal people shouldn't talk in the morning. Lex kissed Isis' head and swung his legs around the side of the bed. He steadied himself on the nightstand and stood, walking to the other bathroom.

"Do you want help?" Bruce asked from the bathroom counter as he finished shaving. "The bath offer is still up."

"Well... I could use it," Lex admitted. He looked to the door and then approached Bruce.

Bruce wiped his face clean and closed the distance between them, carefully embracing Lex. "I have a confession to make," he said quietly.

"Oh?" Lex reached up to touch Bruce's smooth chin. "What is it?"

"I'm not too experienced at relationships, and..." Bruce picked Lex up and walked to the bathtub with him. "I'm afraid that we only did what we did because you were drugged, which makes me a horrible person for not saying no, and I'm also afraid that you'll regret it."

"I'm not too good with relationships either, Bruce. And I was drugged. I'm pretty sure," Lex replied after thinking a moment. "However, I don't regret it. It might not have happened on the same timetable that it would have if I hadn't been... in heat. But it was you who I wanted, who I have wanted for some time. Catwoman would have probably mounted you in the library if Alfred hadn't stopped it. Besides, I remember some begging happening." He gave Bruce a little smile.

Bruce only frowned for a second, but remained serious for a little while longer. "I didn't know what to do. I want to be gracious and righteous, but I'm not sure I can say no to you."

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'gracious and righteous'. Bruce... I trust you, and we both enjoyed last night, didn't we?" Lex leaned his head forward and looked into Bruce's eyes.

"Yes, we did," Bruce said firmly. He gave Lex's lips a couple of slow kisses. "I'd be lying if I said I'm not looking forward to doing it again," he added with a little chuckle.

"Maybe a little slower next time," Lex agreed, cupping the back of Bruce's head. "Let's get cleaned up. I'm starving."

"That's a good sign." Bruce sat down on the edge of the tub and turned on the water, then met Lex's eyes again. "You're beautiful." He had become an insecure old sap. He didn't care.

"And you're handsome," Lex informed him. "Did I tell you that last night? Your ass is perfection. I've thought so since you convinced me to go with you into that steam room."

Bruce chuckled. "Really? I wasn't trying to make a move on you. At least not in the first five minutes, I'm fairly sure." He held Lex closely. "Alfred thought you were too young for me. Both of you."

"Aren't I?" Lex teased. "Poor fifty year old Bat. In love with a girl of twelve."

Bruce laughed harder. "It could definitely be worse, hm?" He leaned back a little. "Let's take off those bandages."

Lex grimaced, but moved with Bruce as he removed the bandages. "What am I going to wear?" Lex asked. "When we're done here, I mean?"

"Whatever you want. I can have your clothes picked up, or you can borrow something of mine and we can go back to your apartment together later." Bruce set the bandages down and carefully examined Lex.

"I'd rather not leave the manor. I'll borrow something of yours until my clothes are picked up," Lex decided. He touched the side of Bruce's face and felt it gently.

Bruce nodded once. "All right." He liked it better that way as well, but Lex had to make that decision. Once the tub was full, he climbed in with Lex, lowered the two of them slowly and kept Lex on his lap.

Lex laid back and rubbed his hands over Bruce's thighs. With a smirk he reached back between them with dexterous fingers.

"Hmm..." Bruce kissed the back of Lex's head and closed his eyes. Teasing your bat, hm?" he asked playfully.

"Maybe a little." Lex stroked Bruce's cock firmly. "You know this kitty likes to tease."

"Uhh..." Bruce kissed his way down the side of Lex's neck. He let his right hand travel around Lex's hip and cupped his cock and balls.

"Or maybe it's not just a tease." Lex turned his head and looked back at Bruce. "I'm not drugged now."

"Lex," Bruce muttered, and held Lex's face as he kissed Lex's lips firmly. He ran his closed fist up Lex's shaft and tightened his grip on the way down.

Lex didn't let their lips part, but he arched his back and slipped Bruce's cock inside him. He had a suspicion they would be doing a lot of this sort of activity, wherever they could find to do it.

Bruce pushed his tongue past Lex's lips and groaned into his mouth. He held Lex to him, licked against his tongue, and jacked him as he rocked up and down in the water. He couldn't get enough.

Something inside Lex twinged happily, and he laughed and closed his eyes as the rocked together.

Bruce decided right there and then that he loved the sound of Lex's laughter. Water splashed out of the tub, and he did his best not to aggravate Lex's injuries, but pressed their cheeks together and groaned. "You're perfect."

"Perfect? You're gonna give me an ego, lover," Lex replied, panting a little. "Oh-hhh! Right there! Yes!"

"Ungh!" Bruce frowned with the effort of waiting for Lex, but he was so tight and hot that it took plenty of concentration for Bruce not to come then. He held on to Lex's hips and managed to hit the same spot over and over again.

Lex shuddered and gripped Bruce's leg as his hips jerked forward and his head went back. The orgasm burst out of him, causing him to let out a staccato cry and his toes to curl.

"Ohh!" Bruce closed his lips against Lex's neck and sucked on it as he followed, coming hard enough to forget himself for a moment. Lex was all there was.

"Mmmm." Lex sighed when Bruce had finished coming and ran his hand down his abdomen. "Beautiful morning," he declared.

Bruce smiled lazily and nodded. "Beautiful. This is how we should wake up from now on."

Lex chuckled softly. "I don't think I'd argue with that. But I'll be late for school."

Bruce's eyes, almost all the way closed, flew open. "You have class today? You can't go, hurt like this. We'll get you a note. If necessary, Batman will hand it to your professors personally."

"No, I meant if we make this part of our morning routine," Lex replied with a smile. "My class for today was cancelled anyway. I'd planned to spend the weekend with you, remember?"

"Oh." Bruce settled back down. "I'd forgotten about that." He frowned. "I don't usually forget."

"There's been a lot of excitement since then," Lex pointed out. His stomach growled, and he closed his eyes and smiled. Then he reached for the shower gel. "Let's get cleaned up so we can eat and Alfred can give us disapproving looks?"

Bruce chuckled. "I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Alfred is under the impression that you make me happy, so I don't think there'll be much disapprovement." He looked around. "I'd rather finish this in the shower."

"Well. I think you're going to have to help me up. My ribs don't like being unbound." Lex moved his hand back to take Bruce's.

"Yes. Let's hurry along to get you bandaged again." Bruce held Lex's hand with one hand and hugged him from behind with the other to help him up.

Lex smiled as the stood, and couldn't let go of his smile as they washed one another in the shower. He felt dizzily in love with Bruce, even if their union last night had been a bit pushed. They knew one another's identities, so Lex speculated that it would only be a matter of time before they had ended up in that bed anyway. Whatever his father had done, it had just made Lex demand what he wanted from Bruce instead of being afraid to reveal himself.

***A Week Later***

"You had perfect timing last night," Bruce told Lex as they headed downstairs for breakfast. Batman and Catwoman had stopped a gang of bank robbers the night before and had worked together like they had been doing it they entire lives.

"When you kicked the driver. I'd be impressed if I didn't know how good you are." Bruce had one arm around Lex's waist and he gave his lover a kiss on the temple.

"Well, you did pretty well for yourself," Lex replied, bumping Bruce's hip with his own. "When you took out those three punks with one punch."

Bruce chuckled. "Thanks, Kitty. I admit that I was happy to show off for you."

"Showing off? For little me?" Lex laughed in return and wrapped his arm around Bruce's front. "As long as the bat isn't too distracted." He winked.

"That worried me the first time we went out together, that for all my training, I wouldn't manage to focus on the mission in lieu of you, but I think we make a good team there as well as here. How about you?" Bruce covered Lex's hand with his.

"It's surprised me, I'll admit." Lex grinned crookedly. "I didn't see myself as the sort that would work well with others, but with you as my partner... it just works."

Bruce nodded. "My feelings exactly." He dipped his head and kissed Lex's lips as they entered the breakfast nook where they had a nice view of the flower garden outside. "Good morning, Alfred."

"Morning, Master Bruce. Master Alexander," Alfred said, nodding to them both. "Or rather, afternoon."

"We're clearly morning people," Lex joked. He lifted his chin to see the fluffy egg white omelets that Alfred had prepared for the both of them.

"Alfred, did we get the shipping confirmation for Cat's new helmet?" Bruce asked, holding a chair back for Lex to sit. They had found a protective helmet that would be slim enough to be incorporated into her costume, but much safer than the plain cowl she had been wearing.

"Yes, I did, sir. It-- and the extras-- should arrive in a few weeks," Alfred informed him. It had been a bit difficult for Alfred to adjust to seeing these two kids together, but knowing that they worked well together in both of their personas cemented the realization that they were quite well matched. He tried not to complain in front of Bruce any longer. There would be no separating them.

Lex took his seat and rubbed his palms, waiting for Bruce to join him. He was very hungry.

Just before Bruce took his seat, Isis jumped onto his chair. He scooped her up and bumped foreheads with her.

"Good morning to you, too, Miss Boss," he said with a smile, then placed her on his left shoulder and sat down. Sometimes she stayed perched on him, other times she left.

Lex chuckled, watching Isis balance on Bruce, purring away. "She's like your own personal parrot," he commented, cutting into his eggs. Alfred left the room.

"She likes me," Bruce said proudly, getting croissants for both he and Lex and picking up his coffee cup. "She's got great taste."

"I cannot disagree," Lex replied, tearing into his croissant. "Just don't try to steal my man, Isis."

"Meow," Isis answered, rubbing her head against Bruce's cheek.

"You're lucky. Cats will often feel jealous of their owner's partner." Lex took another croissant.

"Really?" Bruce leaned against her for a moment. "Maybe she can feel how much I love you."

"She's a traitor," Lex said in an indulgant tone as he reached over to pet her head.

"Hm." Bruce tried the eggs and nodded appreciatively.

"Alfred's really outdone himself with these," Lex said, reaching for his juice. "They're fantastic."

Bruce nodded. "Yes, he did." He didn't eat eggs too often, but everything that Alfred made usually turned out spectacular. "I have to go to the office this afternoon. Want to join me?"

"I have to get to class. The semester is almost over, so I can't exactly skip," Lex said apologetically. He wiped his mouth. "I'll come over afterward, though."

Alfred returned, pushing a television on wheels into the breakfast nook.

"What happened, Alfred? We didn't make the news, did we?" Bruce asked, wiping his lips on a napkin. Alfred didn't look too happy at all.

"No, you did not. However, Master Alexander's father did." Alfred leaned over the television and turned it on.

Lex pressed his lips together and reached over for Bruce's hand. The screen flickered on to show a several police officers surrounding Lionel Luthor and leading him out of an office building in handcuffs. The police hadn't been able to hold Lionel on a kidnapping charge, since Catwoman wouldn't be a witness, but they had apparently caught up to him after Batman had passed along the information Catwoman had collected.

Bruce moved Isis off his shoulder, moved his chair closer to Lex's and embraced him. "So many charges," he said softly. "I'm sure he'll get Life."

"I'm sure he will," Lex agreed, feeling a stab of guilt. Sometimes he thought he had within himself a small child that told him to him that Lionel was mean, sometimes, but he loved Lex. He really did! And that child had done more damage to Lex than he could properly assess. It had occured to Lex not long after he'd been rescued from Lionel what would have happened if the drugs he'd been given had kicked in while Lionel was by his side. "Good. Good. Let's hope his fellow inmates think he's cute."

Bruce rubbed Lex's arm This couldn't be easy, especially it had been evidence that Lex had turned in that had gotten Lionel behind bars. "I'm sorry, Kitty."

"It's alright. It's better this way." Lex rested his head on Bruce's shoulder and watched as his father tried to look ever so dignified while the police officer instructed him to watch his head. "I'm a bad son. Good thing he's a worse father."

"You're not a bad son; don't say that. Wanting a man to pay for his many crimes isn't something to be ashamed of," Bruce told Lex softly.

"I still feel like a bad son. Granted, I never felt like a good son before this. Or a particularly good brother." Lex sighed. "Let's hope no other familial titles are added to me."

"Stop it. That man's demeaned you your whole life, Lex. Just because he's accused you of being inadequate, that doesn't make it true." Bruce kissed the top of Lex's head. "Isis, Alfred and I love you just the way you are."

"Yes, Master Alexander. You mustn't let his influence win," Alfred advised, turning the television off. He drew nearer to them. "You've pulled away from him and become a strong man on your own. Be proud of what you have done."

"Thank you. Both," Lex replied quietly. "I've never felt so... home, as I have here at the manor. Not anywhere else, with anyone else."

"We're happy to hear that. As for me, I can tell you that you being here makes it feel like a real home again." Bruce exhaled heavily. "It's been a while since I've felt that way."

"I'm glad you do," Lex said, running his hand over Bruce's chest. Alfred smiled and walked behind them to squeeze their shoulders.


Over six months ago, Lex had been struggling, alone, frustrated, and barely making enough to feed himself and Isis. When he'd put on the costume for the first time, he'd never imagined that at the end of the adventure with his leather catsuit was a new home, a partner for his nightly prowling, and a family.

He dropped his backpack by the piano and headed down to the Batcave where Bruce was already working diligently. Lex came up behind him, running his hands through Bruce's thick, dark hair, and watched the information on the screens before him. He was somewhat relieved to note that Bruce was no longer obsessing over his bloodwork, which, apart from revealing his general mutation, appeared normal at the moment. Normal for him, in any case. They would be keeping an eye on it, but it seemed that whatever Lionel had been hoping for had failed.

Lex pressed his lips against Bruce's neck and noted the information that Bruce was collecting. There was a new mask in town, and this one had the habit of running around with his gang in clown makeup. It was strange, but no stranger than the things that he and Bruce had already seen.

"How was class?" Bruce asked, a light smile warming his tone of voice as he continued to study the sample he had on the microscope's Petrie slide.

"Fabulous. Boring. Fabulously boring. What is it that you're looking at there?" Lex peered over Bruce's shoulder.

"It seems that the make up the clown wears is also flam-retardant," Bruce commented, typing an annotation before he spun his chair around, pulled Lex to his lap, and gave his lips a firm kiss. "Among other things."

"Such as pore clogging? We might find him by looking for someone with bad skin." Lex returned Bruce's kiss and then looked up at the security feed replaying from a bank robbery. "Are those scars?"

Bruce did not have to look up to know what Lex was talking about. "Looks like they are. Deep, old and very nasty scars. From what I hear, he's been telling all kinds of different stories on how he got them, too."

Lex kept looking as he pressed a kiss to Bruce's cheek, then turned his head to face Bruce. "Honestly, I might do that too, if people stared. I remember giving some ridiculous stories as to how I lost my hair." He moved a little and rested his head on Bruce's shoulder. "But I can say I probably wouldn't go around cutting people's faces up if they asked."

"Or call yourself The Joker," Bruce pointed out. He ran a hand over Lex's head and then kissed it, too.

"No, I like my alias very much, thank you. It matches yours so well." Lex wrapped his arm around Bruce's broad chest and smiled. Sometimes he felt like Bruce would make him literally purr. "We going out tonight?"

"We could take a look around the park, what do you say? I'm tired of hearing how unsafe it is there after dark."

"Ooo, the park." Lex waggled his brows and looked over to where their costumes were displayed together. "It's a date, lover."

"And afterwards, we could stop by your favorite cafe and order something to go." Bruce grinned; he knew how much Lex loved to see the looks on barista's faces whenever Catwoman and Batman got drinks or food to go.

"Brrow," Lex replied, moving to straddle Bruce's legs as he felt his nightly persona taking over. He cupped Bruce's face in both hands and licked his lips. "Sounds perfect."

Then he gave his Bat a long, firm kiss.


We have one more piece of art to post, but I forgot to save it, so something to look forward to, I guess!

bruce wayne, batman, lex luthor, catwoman, brex

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