Random geeky meme

Jul 18, 2008 04:37

Stolen from ray_of_tales

1. What was the first video game you have ever played?
Let's see, if we count PC games, some random game where you pretended to have a lemonade stand on Apple IIe. If we only count console games, um, I don't actually remember, it was for Atari 2600. First console game I do remember was the original Super Mario Bros for NES.

2. What was your first console?
Atari 2600, but I barely got to play it because my brother hogged it, so I count the NES as my first.

3. Have you ever visited a video game arcade?
Plenty of times, but I prefer the pinball machines to arcade games.

4. What was your first handheld?
Original fat Game Boy when it first came out.

5. What was the first game you've beaten/cleared completely? (Got to the last level/got 100%/beat high score, etc.)
Hmmm, need to think here, crap, can't remember, so I'll say Dragon Warrior (aka Dragon Quest) since that is the oldest one I remember beating. Might have been Super Mario Bros 2 or Mega Man 3 though.

6. Games based off of real sports: Yay or Nay?
Nay for me playing them. Though I admit me and my brother had lots of fun playing Ice Hockey for the NES and trying to get our players in fights all the time.

7. Online games: Yay or nay?
Nay, if a game has online, that actually turns me off.

8. Do you play any Massively Multiplayer Online RPG games? (MMORPGs?)
Nope. That's my roommate's thing, not mine.

9. Do you play any virtual pet games? (Neopets, Teripets, Aftermathzone, etc.)
Does having a tamagotchi count? Mine died though.

10. Puzzle games and Strategy games: Yay or Nay?
Heck yeah. I loved Tetris and Dr. Mario, and I'm starting to enjoy strategy games. Luminous Arc was lots of fun.

11. Do you play any RPGs?
Love them, that's all I play now.

12. Do you play any Platformer games?
Nope. They frustrate me to no end now.

13. What was the first game/console/handheld of yours that stopped working?
My original game boy broke when I moved from Ohio to San Diego. I was very sad and eventually got a GBA. Only other console of mine that broke was my ps2, it stopped reading some games and when it wouldn't read disc 2 of Xenosaga III it got sold.


14. Do you actually care if a game has a plot or do you just play games for the gameplay?
What is the point of playing a game with no plot?

15. Name a few video game characters that are your favorites.
Asch, Jade, Guy (Tales of the Abyss), Yuri (Shadow Hearts), Arc, Tosh (Arc the Lad 1 and 2), Elk, Shu (Arc the Lad 2), Alec, Velhart, Cheryl, Lutz, Marsia (Arc the Lad 3), Jr., Jin (Xenosaga), Kristoph, Franziska, Edgey-poo, Diego (Ace Attorney), and um, I better just stop now.

16. Name a few series that are your favorites
Tales of, Ace Attorney, Shadow Hearts, Xenosaga, Arc the Lad, Ys

17. Has a video game ever made you cry?
Quite often. Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasi VI and Shadow Hearts: Covenant are notable ones. Phantasy Star IV and Suikoden are honorable mentions.

18. Has a video game character annoyed you so much that you wanted him removed from the game?
Nah, even the ones I hate still have their point in the game.

19. Do you "pair" or "ship" characters up with one another? (make/create/write romance involving them)
Oh yeah, love pairings. Oddly, I usually love the canon pairs, Tales of the Abyss is the exception to the rule where I only love one canon pair (well, except the NPC ones)

20. Do you write video game fanfiction?
*looks at ff.net account* Um, yeah.

21. Do you draw video game fanart?
I don't really deem my attempts to draw as being "art"

22. Do you come up with theories on how a character came to be/what he or she would do in a situation/why he or she is moody/etc.
Isn't that the point of fanfiction?

23. Are you a "fanboy" or "fangirl" of any character?
Uh...what do you think? Hell yes.

Boss Battles/Villains

24. Hardest Boss Battle
Zeromus in FFIV. Final boss of Zelda 2 (I have to this day only been able to beat that game once)

25. Most Frustrating Boss Battle
Yiazmat. I definitely cursed up a storm after wasting over 7 hours to get a game over.

26. Most Rewarding Boss Battle
Honestly, Yiazmat, but not for game reasons. That was the last thing I wanted to accomplish in FFXII before I put it down and played Tales of the Abyss. Playing Tales of the Abyss was quite the reward :)

27. Funnest Boss Battle
Ultros and Gilgamesh

28. Most Boring Boss Battle
Yiazmat in FFXII. I spent most of it not even in front of my screen just waiting on my party to keep hacking away at him. They could have cut out a few million HP and it would have been loads better.

29. Boss Battle that dragged out for a long, long time
Yiazmat, 8 hours long, took three tries for me to beat him.

30. Boss Battle with the coolest music
Any boss battle in Ys: Ark of Naphistim, though Atma Weapon in FFVI comes in a close second. Or Zio in Phantasy Star IV.

31. Most Surprising Boss Battle
I honestly can't think of one offhand.

32. What's your all time favorite villain?

33. What's your all time least favorite villain?
Ultmecia in FFVIII, really dumb random out of the blue villain.

34. Do you ever feel sorry for the villains?
Yes, many times.

35. Are there any villains that seem like they should be playing for the good guys, but aren't?
Shadow Hearts: Covenant's final boss.

36. Most malicious villain?

37. Most surprising villain?
Shadow Heart: Covenant's final boss, I honestly was surprised that he was the final boss.


38. What is your all-time favorite 2D Game?
Tie between Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI

39. What's your favorite 3D game? (PS1/N64 generation)
Crap, that's actually a kinda hard choice. Probably Arc the Lad 3, though Suikoden II and Final Fantasy IXa are up there.

40. What's your favorite arcade game?
None really stick out in my mind.

41. What's your favorite next-gen game? (Gamecube/PS2/X-Box)
Tales of the Abyss

42. Sequels/long series: Yay or nay?
If they are all as awesome as Shadow Hearts: Covenant, and Xenosaga II and III, then yes. But otherwise, I tend to prefer that if a game is part of a series, that they have no requirement to have played the first games to understand them (like the Tales games or Final Fantasy games).

43. What's your favorite Online Game?
Not into those.

44. What's your favorite console?
Oooh, hard choice. Toss up between SNES and PS2. Those two systems have the vast majority of the best games ever on them.

45.What's your favorite handheld?
GBA, but only because the DS can't play my old game boy games. If it could, it would win.

46. Have you ever got yourself involved in a "console war"? (arguing that a console is better than another console)
Nope, I usually don't even buy the new consoles until a year after they are out anyhow. I buy consoles for games, not for their abilities. You can't know what console will have the best games until they have been out at least a year.

47. Have you ever defended a character/game/console you liked in an argument? Which one?
Many times. I'll defend the Abyss cast like crazy, well except Luke and Anise, they can go fall off a cliff for all I care.

48. Name a game that you like but everyone else seems to hate.
I can't think of any offhand honestly.

49. Name a character that you like but everyone else seems to hate.

50. Name a game that you hate but everyone else seems to like.
Tales of Symphonia, Final Fantasy VII.

51. Name a character that you hate but everyone else seems to love.
Luke fon Fabre


52. Have you ever stopped before you finished a game because it was too frustrating to go on?
Plenty of times, NES games were actually very difficult and in some cases, the remakes of them were dumbed down quite a bit so the current gen of gamers would enjoy them. There are many old games that are almost impossible to beat (at least without a cheat device, I did have a Game Genie for my NES and SNES because of that)

53. Will you stop at NOTHING to get 100% in a video game?
I don't care enough to get 100% I just want to see the entire plot.

54. Have you ever injured yourself at a video game? (Space Invader wrist and Mario Party 1 blister victims may answer yes)
Does my butt hurting from sitting on the floor for hours on end count? (when I lived with my parents, best spot to sit was on the floor, I eventually got a bean bag chair to fix that issue) Or my poor knees going all stiff on me? If so, then yes. Oh wait, I did bang my elbow on the annoying armrest on the couch in my dorm room a few times.

55. Has a horror/survival genre video game scared you to the point that you refused to finish the game? Did you get nightmares from said game?
I don't play those.

56. Have you ever thrown a controller/disc/cartridge in a fit of frustration?
Yes, the Sega Genesis controller sucks as do Sonic games for it.

57. Do you need to blow/clean certain games to get them to play?
That was a given with NES games.

58. Have you ever played a game for so long that you missed sleep over it?
Yes, Final Fantasy IX, Xenosaga series, Shadow Hearts, ToA, and many others.

59. Were you ever involved in the Pokemon craze?
Nope, I was too old.

60. Last but not least: Do you picture yourself playing video games 10, 20, or 30 years from now?
I already have been for 23 years, I doubt I will ever stop.
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