Another meme

Jun 11, 2008 17:56

This one comes from miken-chan

1. Reply to THIS post, and I will select four or five of your userpics that I like.
2. Make a entry and talk about the icons I have chosen.
3. Other people will then comment on your entry and you will do the same as I have done for you.
4. Thus creating a NEVER ENDING of icon squee.

And here's the icons she chose

Picked it up from a random icon post aurons_fan made. I love the image itself, probably one of the best Asch images that can actually even be used on the Tales forum since it's in a doujin (I think it's the DNA Media Abyss Anthology volume 3).

One of the few I had on the Tales forum and brought here. It was made by Rein for one of the page celebrations in the Graphic. I'm thinking it was 600 pages? It was funny I submitted a Cantabile render and a Guy render for gifts and I ended up getting a Cantabile icon and Cantabile sig, both are truly awesome though.

This one has been among my userpics ever since I started using LJ again. It's just funny, I love Guy, and saying something like that is just so like me. It's by higherandhigher and I actually don't think that user is making icons anymore, or is doing it under a different name now if I recall right.

A recent addition, I actually haven't used it for a post or comment yet. I was just trying to get something in for all the Abyss pairings I like, and since Frings and Cecille is one, picked this one because it was the prettiest of the icons I saw for it. It's made by nocturnalites

Yay, one by me! I admit, it's pretty simple and took me maybe 5 minutes to make. I had just scanned the whole doujin this one was from and thought I should make an icon of the cover since it's pretty and had Jade, who can resist Jade? All I did was crop, resize and put in a few smudged wave distortions and maybe a coloring effect. So about 5 layers in total when you consider my average for sigs, that IS simple, my sigs on average have over 20 layers and my avatars on average have 10 or more.
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