Oct 02, 2005 06:35
I. What does the name say on your birth certificate? Not getting my middle name that easily :)
II. What is the name that all your friends call you by? Becky
III. What day of the year do you blow out the candles? November 5th when I actually get cake with candles
IV. Which country authorized your passport? don't have one yet, but will be the United States when I get one
V. What are you Zodiac and Chinese signs? Scorpio and Horse
VI. In terms of politics, do you sit on the right or the left? Don't care enough to really even know which I actually am. I likely would fall somewhere in the middle cause from what I recall of what left and right meant, I have some beliefs from each side
VII. Look in the mirror. The color of your hair is what?: Almost brown again, but I can still see a bit of red in there, its now looking more like highlights than my being lazy and not dying it again
VIII. Look in the mirror one more time, what color are your eyes? Mostly green, but a bit of brown mixed in there
IX. Hop on the weighing scales! How far did the number jump past 0?: Don't have a scale around here, but last I checked I was in the higher 120s and getting near 130s, am happy with where I am though as long as I can still fit into all my jeans with no issues
X. Stand up straight! How high up is the top of your head from the ground? truly in between 5'5 and 5'6, so I usually say 5'6
<> Home Sweet Home <>
I. Who are all those other people living in your house? Only other person is Lucas, anyone else around here is just visiting
II. Do you get along with mom or dad better? My dad, cause we have a lot more in common
III. What do your parents friends call them? I don't think any of my friends now even know my parents to call them anything
IV. Any siblings living outside the house? Brother in San Diego, at least last I heard he was still there
V. What's the name of the place you live in currently? Odessa, Texas
VI. You love it there, dont you? Would love it more if I had a job
VII. If you could live absolutely anywhere on the Earth, what locale would you choose? Somewhere that isn't the US
VIII. Out of all those blood related, immediate or other, which single person would you list as your favorite? Would have to say my dad because he's the only one I know decently well and can tolerate, but if my mom is there, my view would change
IX. Who is one you wish you didnt share blood with? If this means so that I did not ever have to be in their presence, would be my mother then, except I did get some favorable traits from her at least
X. Overall, you like moms side of the family more, or dads? Can't say, cause I barely know my dad's side of the family, he and I hold the lack of love for family in common
<> Knowledge Is Power <>
I. First things first, private or public school? Public, cause I came from a upper middle class area where public school was just as good as private, but without the cost (up front at least, my parents sure paid for it in taxes)
II. What's its name? mascot? colors? High school? Hudson High School, the mascot was a silly green Aligator, which made no sense, cause we were the Explorers, colors were blue and white
III. What were the class(es) you could't wait to get to? Any home ec type classes I took, any computer classes I took, and band
IV. How about the class you considered bedtime? English and History, but I usually didn't sleep, I either did homework so I would have more time to play video games when I got home, or I would be writing a story if I had no homework
V. The name(s) of your favorite teachers:
VI. The name(s) of the teacher that put you to sleep: Don't remember her name, but English teacher from 9th grade, except when we were reading Romeo and Juliet and the Oddessy, I enjoyed those books
VII. Are you an English/Art, or a Math/Science person? Both, but it usually depended on the class and what we were studying at that time
VIII. What sports do/have you played: Lacrosse
IX. When the teacher checks the homework, did you usually get a "0" or a "100"? usually did good on homework if it was graded, but that honestly was rare, the teachers just usually cared that you did it
X. If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?: Really did hate most of the people, it was a school where if you weren't smart, rich, athletic, and involved in the local church, you weren't popular at all, and well since my parents never dragged me to Church, and I was a klutz, and while I like dressing pretty, normally I could care less how I was dressed, need I say much more?
<> Confidentiality & Beliefs <>
I. What's your worst fear? Not much of anything, but I can't stand eight legged creatures
II. Have you ever acted troubled, just to get attention? nope, am more likely to not want to involve others in my problems, which drives some of my friends nuts
III. Do you believe in God? Jesus? Satan? Heaven? Purgatory? A god-like figure yes, the Christian God, no, the rest of it no way
IV. Do you have a secret that you'll take to the grave with you? If I did, I likely forgot it by now, since I cannot seem to think of a thing
V. Have you ever told somebody you loved them, when secretly you didnt at all? As a relationship was fading, yes I have
VI. (Friends, Religion, Politics, Family, Education, & Relationships) Organize the previous six in order of your personal preference in life: Relationships, Friends, Education, Religion, Family, Politics
VII. If you could change one thing about your physical looks, what would it be? Would love to be rid of my belly
VIII. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be? my awful temper
IX. Have you ever cried in front of someone, and felt ashamed of it?
X. Have you ever done drugs? Are you on drugs? Do you plan to take drugs? Done drugs, not on them unless you count smoking, and don't plan to take any unless you count smoking
<> The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Music <>
I. If you had to pick, what's your favorite song of the moment?
II. Do you get most of your music from the internet, or from the store? Usually from the internet, because I don't believe in paying almost $20 for a CD for one or two songs that I like, am indeed appreciative of the ability to download single songs now
III. Even though you can download music, do you still buy cds just because of the cd-case, CD itself, booklet, or just general authenticity?
IV. What lone genre of music do you prefer above all? Video game remixes most definitely!
V. What genre of music would you never be caught dead with? Rap and gospel
<> The Small & Silver Screens <>
I. What's your favorite movie?
II. Generally, what genre of movies do you jump at the oppurtunity to see? (Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Drama, Romance, Science Fiction): Love a well done fantasy movie, but since they are so rare, usually would be romance or sci fi
III. Who is the actress/actor you most admire? honestly don't admire most actresses or actors
IV. Do you cry during/after certain movies? I most definitely have
V. What time of day do you prefer to see movies at (morning, noon, or night): Have gone to midnight showings of new movies just for the experience, but if I am not going to that, I tend to choose to go to the earliest showing of the day on a weekday when kids would be at school, I hate squalling brats whose parents won't keep them quiet and bring them even to movies they should not be seeing
VI. What is the tv show you never miss? Don't watch TV
VII. What is it you like about it so much? see above
VIII. Whats the one tv show you can't stand? see above
IX. Do you think you spend more time watching the television or using the computer? computer most definitely, unless you count playing video games as watching the television, then as of late it would be the TV, cause the ps2 keeps calling to me to play either Xenosaga 1 or 2 (and I have beaten them both, just keep playing cause they are awesome)
X. Do you personally think that you spend too much time watching tv? nope
<> Bon Appetite <>
I. Whats your favorite meal? Anything with fish
II. How about your favorite desert? Cheesecake, plain no fruit or other icky stuff to ruin its taste
III. When only a kid, did you eat your vegetables? yep, except broccoli, my parents couldn't get me to eat that after trying it once, so we made a deal that I could have a small bowl of lima beans instead
IV. Do you still eat vegetables?
V. Are you a poor, average, or excellent cook? average, but definitely creative with what little I have to work with at times
VI. What type of food do you perfer? fish
VII. Salt or pepper? depends on what I am putting it on
VIII. ketchup or mustard? ketchup, cause I hate mustard
IX. Do you prefer going out to breakfast, lunch, or dinner? dinner, but breakfast can be fun too depending on the place, I love pecan waffles with lots of sugar on them :)
X. Do you eat to live or live to eat? eat to live, cause I like keeping my adorable figure
<> All's Fair In Love and War <>
I. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? yep
II. Are you in love? Or are you using them? in love
III. Do you find most of the time you dislike the people that like you and vice versa? yep
IV. In terms of relationships, are you loving or manipulative? Loving
V. Do you live to love? or would you rather love to live? live to love
VI. Do you believe that sex should come before or after marriage? before, as a friend of mine put it, you should try it before you buy it
VII. Do you plan to marry, if so at what age? yes, and whenever someone gets around to asking me
VIII. Do plan to have children, if so how many? however many come, would like no more than 3 though
IX. Are your parents married or divorced? married
X. Do you want to have a big, spactacular wedding with everyone you know invited or a small, traditional, get-together?: I admit, I would love a big fairytale wedding, but I know the honest truth would be whatever can be afforded, as I don't know how much my parents will be able to help with it (they have joked they would spend as much for my wedding as they did theirs, they got married by a justice of the peace, need I say more). I can say for sure that it won't be totally traditional and my dress would not be white, I am thinking a nice blue, or red (if red, the dress will be in a japanese style, as I would be doing it because their brides wear red, not white)