Dec 26, 2012 13:12
Well, apparently, I've gotten into the habit of writing out of order. I've been working on my original stories. In fact, I finished one part of the series, but I'm out of order so I can't talk about it. *smile* Amusing how my brain went to a darker section of the story for a time. The monotony of the 1st "book" of my TrT series dissuaded me from working on it for a bit. I've finished the 6th and working on the 7th, and the 8th (which is actually a cross-over and is not titled, but is subtitled, as a TrT series; confusing, yes).
Anyway, at least I'm getting somewhere on it. Now, if my phone wasn't stupid I could use it to mess with them stories on break and elsewhere, but alas! my phone is dumb! I can't wait till I can upgrade so I don't have a device that resets for no reason whatsoever.
Oh, and I've found several things that were inspiration to my original stories. Anime apparently inspired me greatly. I was watching Magic Knight Rayearth and I realized that one of my GMT ocs are heavily inspired of a MKR character. Which is cool, imo.
o.series: trt,
writing: original stories,
topic: original