Remember when I said I was bored and started making something at random. I really had no drive to make anything as actuall plans for cosplay but just wanted to make SOMETHING... Well, yeah, it DID turn out to be able to be used for cosplay.
Now, mind you, this doesn't mean I'm going to COMPLETE the costume. I just was crafting. I think I made my point when I explained that the costume was complicated.
What am I talking about you may ask? Well, I'm talking about Agarte of Tales of Rebirth. Ya know, cat-girl queen with teh tiny crown. ;) Well, guess what I made???
Well, I made almost ALL of the head pieces... for the lulz. Yes, for the lulz. And guess how much money I spent to do what I did (even before I show you the pics)... Well, I only spent apx. $2.75. Yup; I used wut I had. Spiffy, huh? :3
Anyway, my ref image was this:
And I ended up with this:
..and yeah the little crown still is detachable. In fact its not really set and stuffed right. I had scrap cloth I used to stuff it temporarily I have stuffing I need to gt to fix it right.
Anyway, other than that, and the remainder of the costume (which consists of a huge lot of white fabric that I don't have and don't know if I WILL buy), I'm done with it. My lulz is satisfied.
And yeah, the whole $2.75 I spent went for the following: The hair band that the ears are glued to; the hair clip that clips the crown to the band; the hair clip for the claw-headpiece to clip into my hair; and the wierd colored tulle. The tulle cost the most. I bought 2 yards so I could double it up and it cost about $2.18+tax itself.... Tells you how much the other bits cost, heh.
...yeah, I had fake fur; I had the gold fabric; I had the pink for the inner ear; had the white string; and heck, I was going to throw away the silver beads that's on the white string. They were physically in a walmart sack in my trash before I pulled them out. The large purple crystal thing is a paper-craft done in illustration board and covered in fabric.
...Heck I had illustration board... that's the framework of the crown and the claw-head-piece thingy. I made my own patterns for everything.
Heck, I don't even have teh little tiara pictured here; it's done, too (minus a purple gem and a physical way for it to stay in place).
But yeah, all this I did do of the character was for lulz; and I watched My Little Pony: FiM as I made them. store them away. I need to re-clean my room, too. I have bits of paper, illustration board, and fabric everywhere in my room atm. :)
....And just pondering; if I DID make the whole costume would I say I was Agarte or would I say I was Claire? "Claire! Doko ka! CLAIRRREEEE!!!!"
>.< Dammit...Veigue is in my head screaming her name. Over and over and over... >.<'re just "Friends", Veigue...just friends...just like how Tytree isn't hyper, and Hilda has always been secure with the fact that she's half-bred.....